Welcome to Humble ISD Benefits
Benefits for New Employees
Welcome to Humble ISD!
All new hires who are eligible for benefits must complete their initial enrollment online within thirty-one (31) calendar days of the actively at work date. Please keep in mind enrollment is time-sensitive. Therefore, after 31 calendar days, access to enrolling into the benefits will close. Your initial enrollment in the Humble ISD Benefits requires an election or waiver for each benefit offered. Enrollment is accessible by clicking on the MYHUMBLE Icon on your desktop and then selecting the Baldwin Group 24-25 Benefits Enrollment Icon. Please review the Humble ISD Benefits Guide to assist with determining the best benefit options for you and your family members before enrolling. (See 2024-2025 Humble ISD Benefit Guide link above). While enrolling, be sure to read all the information provided for each benefit to complete your enrollment.
For medical only, determine when your medical benefits will begin by electing one of the following options: a) First day of employment, b) First day of the following month after date of hire. Medical elected to begin on the first day of employment will require a full month premium. Online benefit enrollment is available 24 hours daily.
After the initial enrollment period ends, employees will no longer be eligible or have access to enroll in or make changes to their benefits. The next opportunity to enroll in, change or drop benefits will be during the Humble ISD Annual Enrollment session held each year from mid July to mid August or in the event an eligible Qualifying Event occurs.
Please contact the Benefits Department for assistance when a Qualifying Event occurs as this event is also time-sensitive, allowing employees 31 calendar days only from the event date.
New hires with no internet access who need assistance to complete their initial enrollment are welcome to make an appointment with the Benefits Counselor at 877-203-3546, Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm.
If access to enroll in your benefits is denied for any reason, please email the Benefits Department for assistance at Benefits@humbleisd.net
2024-2025 Humble ISD Benefits Exit Package Information
Your Benefit Options When You Leave the District
Humble ISD participates in three retirement plans.
TIC - Machine Readable File
TIC rules require group health plans to post links to the machine-readable files containing the TIC pricing information on a publicly available website.