Field Turf Installation
Project Complete
Field Turf Installation: During the summer of 2018 and into September, the district installed field turf at all high schools. Synthetic turf is more durable than grass and mitigates rainouts. Kingwood High School's field had to be replaced due to flooding, and by bundling all the high school fields into one project, the district saved $500,000.
Work has also been completed at the softball and baseball complex at Turner Stadium. Installing turf here means no more rainouts for any school's softball or baseball teams. If heavy rain causes a typical rainout at a campus field, the game can now be relocated to Turner.

Installed Turf on Fields at Turner
Turf was installed at the softball/baseball complex at Turner Stadium. This means no more rainouts for any school's softball or baseball teams.

High School Football Field Improvements
During the summer of 2018 and into September, the district installed field turf at all high schools. Replacing an entire football field takes several stages of work.
Watch the Bond 2018 Field Turf video