Foster Elementary Rebuild Options
2024-2025 & 2025-2026

*Renderings are subject to change.

Foster Elementary will be rebuilt during the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years. The new campus will be built to the standard of today’s schools, with larger classrooms, technology and security features. The new building will have a capacity for 800 students and is expected to open for the 2026-2027 school year.
While the campus is being rebuilt, Foster students and staff will need to be at another location. Foster currently sits on a 9.7 acre tract of land, which is not enough space to safely hold school while an active construction site is underway on the existing property.
Below are the options Humble ISD is considering and seeking input on:
Keep Foster Students in Kingwood
Utilize current Humble ISD Kingwood elementary schools and Kingwood Middle School (5th Grade)
Keep Foster Staff and Students Together
Utilize the former Lakeland Elementary School campus for a full move (All Grade Levels)