AVID National Demonstration School
We are bound for GREAT things!!
(Advancement Via Individual Determination)
AVID is an elective course that is offered at HMS in order to prepare all students for high school and college. We have AVID courses available for students in grades 6-8. Students are admitted into AVID by a selection process.
Upon selection, the AVID student is placed into the AVID elective and into at least one Honors/Pre-AP course. The AVID student is supported by Tutorials in the AVID classroom twice a week with trained college students, under the supervision of the AVID elective teacher.
AVID students are required to carry and maintain the AVID Binder, an agenda, and to take Cornell notes in all classes. These items are checked weekly in the AVID classroom.
AVID students investigate college and career choices, and receive instruction on college preparation, as well as prepare for college entrance testing like the SAT, ACT, etc.
AVID students hear from guest speakers like college admissions officers, different career options, and motivational speakers.
AVID students take two field trips each year to area colleges, and participate in fun team-building and college research activities.
AVID students are supported by the AVID Site Team, comprised of teachers, administrators, counselors, tutors, parents, and community members at HMS.
AVID Highlights
On March 7, 2016 the city of Humble Mayor Merle Aaron proclaimed March 7th as Humble Middle School AVID National Demonstration School Day!!!