Dual Credit Summer Academy 2025

For Summer 2025, Humble ISD will offer VIRTUAL ONLY Dual Credit Summer Academy. All courses will be offered exclusively through San Jacinto College - Generation Park. Course costs will be $108 for 3 SCH courses or $144 for 4 SCH courses. All offerings will be done online and all instructional materials will be offered virtually. No codes or books will need to be distributed.

High School Dual Credit Liaisons:







Kellie Stoddard


DC Liaison



AHS Dual Credit Website 

Arlett Briones


DC Liaison



HHS Dual Credit Website 

Piper Kinney


DC Liaison



KHS Dual Credit Website 

Sarah McLaurin


DC Liaison



KPHS Dual Credit Website 

Sarah Evans


DC Liaison



SECHS Dual Credit Website 

Jamie Collier


DC Liaison



SCHS Dual Credit Website

San Jacinto College Contact:






Twila Rose


Dual Credit Coordinator



TSIA2 Testing Reminders:

  • TSIA2 can be taken in Humble ISD or at San Jacinto College - Generation Park

  • To schedule a test at SJC, students must:

    • have a San Jacinto College ID number (G number),

    • receive a testing request form or voucher from their campus dual credit liaison,

    • complete the TSIA2 pre-assessment activity (tsia2.accuplacer.org) and choose San Jacinto College as their campus

  • Walk-in testing hours at San Jacinto College - Generation Park:

    • Monday - Wednesday (8:30 - 3:00)

    • Thursday (8:30 - 4:00)

    • Friday (8:30 - 3:00)

  • SJC Testing Center open until 7 p.m. on the following nights:

    • Tuesday, February 25

    • Tuesday, March 4

    • Tuesday, March 25

    • Student who wish to test on these dates MUST have a Testing Voucher and arrive by 5 p.m.

  • Students will NOT receive a letter from SJC for school absence purposes.

Middle School Counselors:

If you are a current 8th grade student, you will work with your campus counselors to enroll in Dual Credit. 




Julie Goodman



Arysa Sutherland-Murray



Sharon Robare



Melissa Gomez



Mercedes Filoteo



Shayla Green



Jamerica Howard



Tatiana Kolesnikov



Dalila Nichols



Corina Sosa



Mariana Reyna



Dual Credit Summer Academy ~ Summer 2025

Humble ISD offers a Dual Credit Summer Academy in partnership with local community colleges to allow students the opportunity to earn high school and college credit in the summer. Students receive high school credit on their transcripts if they earn a D or higher in a course, as well as receiving college credit transcripted through the partner community college. We are thrilled to partner with San Jacinto College to provide these courses 100% online this summer.

Course Selection for the 2025 Dual Credit Summer Academy opens February 3 and closes on February 28, 2025.

DCSA Important Dates

Dual Credit Summer Academy Parent U Webinar

January 27
6-7 p.m.

Application & Course Selection

February 3 - 28

SJC Resources/Orientation

March 25-26

Document Finalization & Scholarship Requests

March 31


May 8

  • Couldn't make the Parent University Webinar? Not a problem. Watch the full recording of the webinar here. ¿No pudiste asistir al seminario web de la Universidad para Padres? No hay problema. Mira la grabación completa del seminario web aquí.

  • The slides from the presentation are also available here. Las diapositivas también están disponibles en español aquí.

  • Meet with 8th grade counselor/Dual Credit Liaison

  • Determine the right classes to take for your dual credit plan

  • Determine TSIA2 test score requirements & test if necessary

  • Complete ApplyTexas application for San Jacinto College

  • Fill out course selection form - Requires College ID number.

  • Courses selected must be ones discussed with counselor

  • Complete Meningitis Waiver

  • Turn in completed forms to 8th grade counselor/DC Liaison

  • All documents must be turned into 8th grade counselor/DC liaison (meningitis waiver, test scores.)

  • Any changes to courses selected (including no longer wishing to take courses) must be discussed and approved with Dual Credit Liaison/8th grade counselor if courses have already been selected

  • Scholarship requests due

Submit payment through San Jacinto SOS System

San Jacinto College balances are updated as students are enrolled in the course by the SJC enrollment team.

All students should be enrolled by the SJC team no later than May 8

DCSA Virtual Courses Available

Summer I (6/2 - 7/3)

Summer II (7/7-8/7)

10 Week LOTE Courses (6/2-8/7)

ARTS 1301* - Art Appreciation

ECON 2301 - Macroeconomics

SPAN 1411 - Beginning Spanish 1

DRAM 1310*  - Theatre Appreciation

ENGL 1302 - Composition II

SPAN 1412^ - Beginning Spanish 11

ECON 2301 - Macroeconomics

GOVT 2305 - Federal Government

ENGL 1301 - Composition I

GOVT 2305 - Federal Government

HUMA 1301 - Intro to Humanities I

MATH 1314 - College Algebra

MATH 1342 - Statistics

MUSI 1306*  - Music Appreciation

PSYC 2301 - General Psychology

SOCI 1301  - Principles of Sociology

SPCH 1315*  - Public Speaking

* Denotes courses recommended for rising 9th graders (finished 8th grade)

^  Denotes new course for DCSA 2025

Important Information

Course fees must be paid for by the student. Course costs will be $108 for 3 SCH courses or $144 for 4 SCH courses. Students who qualify for F/R lunch are eligible to have all course costs covered. Additionally scholarships are available for students who do not qualify for F/R lunch, but demonstrate a financial need. Students should meet with their counselor before March 28 if requesting a scholarship.

Counseling, Application and Course Selection February 3 - 28:
Students interested in taking part in Dual Credit Summer Academy 2025 should meet with their counselor and apply to San Jacinto College using ApplyTexas between February 3-28. Students should also ensure they have met TSIA2 score requirements and/or schedule to take the TSIA2 if necessary.

After meeting with their school counselor and completing ApplyTexas, students and families will complete the online course selection form for Dual Credit Summer Academy 2025.

Due to the historic large volume of students who participate in Dual Credit Summer Academy, campus personnel cannot begin the enrollment process for any student who does not meet the February 28 deadline.

Complete Admissions Requirements by March 31: After completing ApplyTexas and the online course selection form, students must turn in all required documents (qualifying test scores, immunization record/waiver) by March 31. Students are not officially enrolled until all requirements have been met and they have received an email from San Jacinto College confirming enrollment.

TSIA2 Testing:
San Jacinto College has test score requirements for students to enroll in college classes. Any student who has not yet met college-ready testing requirements may take the TSIA2 test through the partner college, or on specific Saturdays in Humble ISD. High school dual credit liaisons and 8th grade counselors can assist parents in getting students set up to take the TSIA2 test if needed.

Orientation March 25-26: Upon completing course selection, students should choose ONE of the following orientation options available from San Jacinto College:

  • March 25 (virtual) - This orientation will be offered in online webinar format from 6:30-8:00

  • March 26 (in-person) - This orientation will be offered in-person at San Jacinto College, Generation Park from 6:30-8:00.

At the conclusion of a course and after final college grades are posted, San Jacinto College will send final grades to high school registrars so that grades can be added to student high school transcripts. Students should be aware that final college grades are translated over using the following formula A=95, B= 85, C= 77, D= 73, F= 65. All courses offered in the Dual Credit Summer Academy provide weighted grade points on the high school transcript.

Course Drops:
In the event a student is unable to complete the course, students should contact the DCSA counselor to complete the drop process before the drop deadline to avoid negative impacts to their high school GPA.  Drop deadlines are below:

  • Summer I courses - June 25, 2025

  • Summer II courses - July 30, 2025

  • SPAN 1411 & SPAN 1412 course - July 22, 2025

Students who are unable to complete the course or who are not being academically successful in dual credit summer courses should drop the courses by the dates listed above to avoid negative impacts to their GPA.
