5-6 pm or 6-7pm
Thursday, March 27th
Humble ISD Early Childhood Center
8105 E North Belt, Humble, TX 77396
Enrollment for the 2025-2026 School Year will open April 7, 2025
Click here to begin your 24-25 Pre-Kindergarten Registration Application!
Parents must complete and submit an online enrollment application for the 24-25 school year and attend a scheduled Pre-Kindergarten Registration appointment at Humble ISD Early Childhood Center, 8105 E North Belt, Humble, TX 77396.
Upon application submission, please check your email for registration appointment link.
To participate in the Pre-Kindergarten Program for the 2024-2025 school year, a child must be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2024 AND meet one of the following criteria:
Limited English Proficiency: the child is unable to speak or comprehend the English Language (*Language other than English is spoken in the home/testing required)
Educationally Disadvantaged: the child would be eligible to participate in the National Free and Reduced Lunch Program (based on family’s gross income) 2024-2025 Income Chart
Homeless: the child is homeless
Child of an active duty member of the Armed Services of the United States
Child of a member of the Armed Services who was injured or killed while on active duty
Child has been under the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services following an adversary hearing
Is the child of a person eligible for the Star of Texas Award
Humble ISD Pre-Kindergarten Required Documents For Enrollment
Humble ISD Documentos Requeridos Para la Inscripcion en Pre-Kindergarten
Enrollment for the 25-26 School Year will open April 7, 2025
Complete the 2024-2025 Current School Year New Student Registration form online. En español
All documentation will need to be uploaded to the online application before the enrollment process is complete. If you have difficulty uploading documents, please email Jennifer Lopez.
Enrollment in the Humble ISD Pre-Kindergarten Program is subject to meeting eligibility criteria and campus locations are assigned once students qualify.
Humble ISD Pre-Kindergarten Required Documents For Enrollment
Humble ISD Documentos Requeridos Para la Inscripcion en Pre-Kindergarten
Child's Proof of Age and Proof of Identity
Parent/Guardian’s driver’s license or passport for identification purposes
Up-To-Date Immunization records - must be signed or stamped by the physician or his/her designee or public health personnel (including electronic MyChart records) For more information, go to
Proof of residency in Humble ISD
For students residing in a house, the lease, deed, or a current utility (gas, water, electricity) bill will suffice.
For students residing in an apartment, a lease containing parent name or a letter from the apartment manager is required.
If both parent and student live with a relative or friend in Humble ISD whose residence is not an apartment, the parent and the person with whom they reside must submit a notarized Verification of Address affidavit.
Eligibility documentation
Income verification-Current TANF or SNAP eligibility LETTER not card, current check stubs stating gross income for last 30 days or unemployment pay stub for all household members earning income.
VA Military disability letter or Active Duty Department of Defense Photo ID
Department of Family and Protective Services verification letter
Star of Texas Award letter. This is not in reference to the Lone Star Texas benefits program
All documents must be received and eligibility must be verified during a face-to-face meeting at Mass Registration or through a scheduled individualized appointment before your child’s enrollment is complete. You will be notified of your assigned Pre-Kindergarten campus upon district verification.
Please note that applications are processed in the order in which they are fully completed and verified.