Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)
Trainings & Webinars
Upcoming Trainings & Webinars
TIA in Humble ISD: Open Office Hour Q&A opportunities Join Humble ISD's TIA Lead, Tiffany Hulquist, for an informal 30-minute Zoom session where participants have the opportunity to learn about the latest TIA and National Board Certification updates, ask questions, or just sit back and listen to others' questions. The sessions will not be recorded as they are informal, come & go, voluntary Q&A opportunities with no specific agenda. Save the date of the session(s) that work best for your schedule!
Zoom Link for Sessions
Elementary Staff Workday:
Monday, September 16th, 12-12:30pm
MS/HS Late Arrival:
Thursday, September 19th, 8:45-9:15am
All Staff Workday:
Tuesday, November 5th, 12-12:30pm
Elementary Staff Workday:
Monday, February 17th, 12-12:30pmCANCELED
MS/HS Late Arrival:
Thursday, February 20th, 8:45-9:15amCANCELED
Elementary Staff Workday:
Monday, March 17th, 12-12:30pm
MS/HS Late Arrival:
Thursday, March 20th, 8:45-9:15am
Please check back often for additional trainings and webinars as they are made available.
Previous Trainings & Webinars
2023-24 Designated Teacher "Payroll" Webinar, August 2, 2024
11:30-12:00 via Zoom
Open Q&A opportunity with Humble ISD CFO, Payroll Director, and TIA Lead
TIA: How to Read a Scorecard, April 30, 2024
If you are interested in learning how to read a personalized scorecard in the District's TIA Data Dashboard, please watch the following TIA Scorecard video: