Virtual Learning

Learning Location Options for the 2025-2026 School Year

Humble ISD continues to provide a personalized approach to education. For the 2025-2026 school year, the district will offer parents a choice of two different learning locations for their children: 

  1. Face-to-Face, in person, at school,

  2. Virtual, with students learning completely from home*.

*Humble ISD will offer both options as long as the district is permitted to do so under the Texas Education Code, Texas Education Agency (TEA) rules, and funding by the Texas Legislature. The 89th Legislature is currently in session. If funding is not provided for virtual education, Humble ISD will no longer offer virtual learning. 

Classes for the 2025-2026 school year will be formed based upon parent requests submitted during the spring semester. In order to provide the best school experience for all students, the district must monitor class sizes as enrollment numbers fluctuate. Students with medical conditions may qualify for homebound instruction. Families with extenuating circumstances prohibiting on campus instruction should contact their child’s principal.

Contact Us

Elementary Contact

Alison Pierce
Director of Early Learning Center &
Elementary Strategic Innovations

Middle & High School Contact

Please contact your student's counselor for more information on virtual learning.


Is virtual learning right for your family? Here are things to consider as you make your decision.

Middle & High

If you are considering the Virtual Option, please read these Frequently Asked Questions regarding being a middle or high school virtual student.