American Sign Language Honor Society

To join ASL honor society you must... 

  • Complete the first year of ASL with an A average

  • Maintain an average above 85 in ASL 2

  • Models culturally appropriate behavior in all ASL related activities

  • Be a leader in the classroom and at community activities 

  • Exemplifies positive attitudes

  • Inspires positive behavior in others

  • Demonstrates academic initiative

  • Demonstrates responsibility and dependability

For more information, contact Ms. Krugman:

ASL Honor Society members meet Tuesdays in B-Block. Room 4307

American Sign Language Honor Society Constitution 

Kingwood High School 


The American Sign Language National Honor Society recognizes outstanding students whose academic achievements encourage language proficiency, establish Deaf cultural connections and promote exceptional moral character that contributes to life-long learning and Deaf community advocacy. 

Article I Name 

American Sign Language Honor Society 

Article II: Purpose 

The American Sign Language National Honor Society recognizes outstanding students whose academic achievements encourage language proficiency, establish Deaf cultural connections and promote exceptional moral character that contributes to life-long learning and Deaf community advocacy. 

It was created specifically to recognize those exceptional students who aspire to high academic achievement and encourages them to pursue a life-long enjoyment of a beautiful visual language and a unique and special culture. 

Article III: Membership 

Must have completed at least two courses in ASL 

Maintained a grade point average of 3.5 or better in their ASL classes 

Holds an overall academic grade point average of 3.0 or better. Grade point average will not be rounded to meet the minimum requirement. 

Exemplifies positive attitudes 

Inspires positive behavior in others 

Demonstrates academic initiative 

Successfully holds school offices or positions of responsibility 

Demonstrates responsibility and dependability 

Is a leader in the classroom, at work, and in school or community activities Is willing to uphold scholarship and maintain a loyal school attitude 

Models culturally appropriate behavior in all ASL related activities. 

Article IV: Membership Fee 

Each member will be required to pay a $20 Membership fee for their ASL 2 year only. This will cover the national membership fee ($115), the purchase of honor cords and other things the officers deem necessary. 

Article V: Officers 

We will elect 3 positions each year. (President, Vice President, Officer) 

To run for president you must have served as VP or an officer the prior year.

Article VI: Elections 

Elections will be held in the fall semester by popular vote by students in the organization. The candidate will fill out an application and give a speech to the student members. 

Article VII: Meetings 

Meetings will be held Mondays A lunch in room 4307. Students will be required to attend a majority of meetings in order to maintain good status in the organization. 

Article VIII: Amendments 


Membership will be recognized at graduation by an honor cord, representing the following achievements: 

● Completion of 2 years of ASL studies 

● An A for 3 semesters of ASL coursework 

● An overall GPA of 3.0 in all other subject areas 

● Participation in a minimum of 5 hours (per school year) community service activities that benefit the Deaf community 

NOTE: Students must demonstrate Culturally Appropriate Behavior at all times while completing ASL coursework. 


Additional recognition will be awarded to exceptional students who meet the following achievements: 

● Completion of 3 years of ASL studies 

● An overall GPA of 3.7 in ASL coursework 

● An overall GPA of 3.5 in all other subject areas 

● Participation in a minimum of 10 (cumulative) hours community service activities that benefit the Deaf community 

NOTE: Students must serve in an ASL Club leadership position for a minimum of one year (may include one or more of the following - President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Committee Leader). 

By Laws 

1. Attend 80% of all meetings/activities. No more than 3 unexcused absences. 

All ASL National Honor Society members are expected to maintain membership requirements of the ASL National Honor Society, including GPA, and to take part in ASL National Honor Society service projects. The Faculty Committee may dismiss any member failing to fulfill these obligations. Dismissal will result in the removal of the ASL NHS designation from school records and, depending on the severity of the infraction, possible notification of colleges to which a student applied.