General Information

Bonjour! Welcome to French Club!

French Club is a social, charitable, and cultural organization.

  • We meet every other Tuesday during B Block of lunch, along with several outside of school parties!

  • Meetings are typically centered around a French cultural event/holiday- Christmas, Crêpe Day, Mardi Gras, etc. We often make crafts, watch movies, play games, and eat food!

  • During October, we have our annual breast cancer fundraiser. We sell t-shirts supporting an organization supporting breast cancer research/survivors.

  • Membership costs $20, and is open from the beginning of school to the end of October (see an officer for a specified date).

No matter if you are in a French class, interested in the culture, or are just looking for a way to get involved, join us in Le Cercle Français!

French Club Meets Tuesday B Block

Join our Remind: 81010 @madamebal 

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