Key Club

2024-2025 Officers

President: Grace Chan

Vice President: Fernando Chacara

Secretary: Taqwa Sadat

Treasurer: Nife Adene

Publicist : Ava Arevalo

Editor: Saril Gupta

Service Coordinator: Peyton Hutchinson

General Information

Key Club is an international student-led service organization. We assist Kiwanis in carrying out its mission to serve the children of the world, as well as help them help us meet our goals.

Key Club brings together all Kiwanis members' effort and energy into an area that has an international impact through the Major Emphasis,
 "Children: Their Future, Our Focus."

Meetings: Meetings 2x/Month: Mondays of the month in LGI 2210  during B-block. Dates will be announcements on Remind

JOIN US on Remind:

Seniors @ khskeysen

Juniors @khskeyjun

Underclassmen (freshmen/sophomores): @khskeyund

FOLLOW US on Instagram: kingwood.keyclub

Contact Us

Faculty Advisors:

Cheryl Carswell

Jennifer Stanley


Email us @ Key Club Officers

Key Club Information/Resources