Rho Kappa KHS
General Information
Rho Kappa is the only national organization for high school students that recognizes excellence in the field of social studies. The mission and purpose of the Kingwood High School chapter of Rho Kappa is to promote scholarship and to recognize academic excellence in Social Studies.
Our Rho Kappa chapter was created to enhance the student's civic education at Kingwood High School and incentivize participation in Advanced Academics. The coursework requirements for membership reflect a commitment to the liberal arts and social sciences, which serve as the foundation of civic education.
Rho Kappa KHS had its first induction ceremony at Kingwood United Methodist Church in November 2017.
Applications are taken at various points in the Fall and Spring semesters. AP Social Studies teachers help advertise dates etc...
Plan on Attending Meetings. Every other Wednesday "A Block" during Mustang Hour in LGI 2210
Pay Dues: $30 T-Shirt, Induction Certificate, Induction Graduation Cord, and Ceremony lunch included in fee. DO NOT PAY UNTIL FALL semester and directed to by officers or sponsors
Contact Us
Laura Hansen Room 2104
Faculty Advisory Committee:
Mark Scalia, Jennifer Stanley, Jessica Doris
Join our Remind Account: text @bbf29f to 81010
Follow us on Instagram: @khsrhokappa