Youth Action Board

General Information

What is the Youth Action Board?

The Youth Action Board (YAB) was conceptualized to engage and empower today's youth.  YAB members will be given the opportunity to collectively collaborate, brainstorm and reflect on solutions and event ideas to raise awareness about human trafficking amongst their peers, educators, and community. The YAB board itself is student-driven.  Under the supervision of PPOC, the YAB Advisor and their school campus sponsor, students will be given the opportunity to answer the call to action, encouraged to use their passion to make a difference and given the platform for their voice to be heard. Tools and resources will be provided by PPOC, to inspire, conceptualize, plan, and implement school wide Human Trafficking Awareness events and/or activities on their school campus during Human Trafficking Awareness month.

If you have any questions, or would like to join the YAB, please contact:

Jenna Perkins, KHS Sponsor: Email Jenna Perkins, located in room 4405 or Email Youth Action Board

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