SCHS Construction

Sept. 21, 2023: Traffic Update

Hello Bulldogs,

Our school construction has begun! We are looking forward to the construction of our 40 additional classrooms and an additional cafeteria.

View the map for a construction update that will affect our traffic flow.

Two changes are coming:

  • The lanes at the three-way stop by Lockwood Rd. will be narrow for approximately 4 weeks.

  • The construction fencing in the student parking lot will now be connected to the construction zone in front of the building - cars will need to use the outside lane of the parking lot to drive around instead of crossing closer to the building.

Locate the two red stars on the map for the updated areas.

Traffic Update

Sept. 5, 2023: SCHS Construction - Bond Updates & New Student Entrance

Hello Bulldogs,

We are excited to announce that construction on the Summer Creek High School additions will start soon. As you may have noticed, construction fencing has been added to both the parking lot and parts of the building's perimeter. Thanks to the passage of the 2022 Bond, SCHS will receive 40 additional classrooms (20 on each side) and a satellite cafeteria. Thank you for supporting SCHS, our schools, and the bond! We are excited about these additions for our students, our staff, and our community.

This construction will alter where students enter from and exit to the student parking lot. During drop off and pick up, students will now enter and exit Door 44 (the gymnasium entrance) pictured at the bottom of this email, which is only one door down from their usual entrance and also faces the student parking lot. Cars will still be able to pull up and drop off in the student parking lot; however, the Performing Arts Center entrance (PAC door 45) will be closed due to construction.

The pictures below also show the new areas being added to SCHS (labeled "Addition" in blue) and the areas that will be blocked due to construction (these areas are in orange). Please note that construction areas will also impact some of our traffic flow in the student lot.

Thank you for your flexibility during this time. We look forward to what the SCHS facility additions will provide our students, staff, and community!

NEW STUDENT ENTRANCE & EXIT (Door 44) from the student parking lot:

Student Entrance Door 44

Summer Creek Expansion, Additions, and Construction Layout:

Construction Layout