Science Olympiad

Mission: Science Olympiad is a national non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of K-12 science education, increasing opportunity and diversity in science, creating a technologically literate workforce, and providing recognition for outstanding achievement by both students and teachers.

Club Sponsor - Cody Erickson

President - David Burca

Vice President - Chloe Thomas

Treasurer - Aum Patel

Club Members

Aparicio, Moises

Asim, Zoya

Burca, David

Caldwell, Alaina

Cornejo, Ulises

Delgado, Maria

Hindmarsh, Daniel

Hong-Xing, Kim

Lindquist, Rylee

Lopez, Yasmin

Medina, Iliana

Munoz, Lizbeth

Patel, Aum

Rabadan, Mia

Riguez, Ruth

Thomas, Chloe

Tran, Phillip

Yanez, Dailin

Zavala, Fernanda