Dismissal Information
2:45 Pre-K Dismissal Begins at the Early Learning Wing
3:10 Kinder begins to move to Dismissal Area
3:10 1st - 5th Move to Dismissal rooms/areas
3:10 PreK siblings are dismissed
3:12 YMCA and Day Care are dismissed to areas Daycare will pick-up in the parking lot off of WLH
3:13 Bikers and Kinder/1st walker siblings will depart through the front
doors of the school.
3:15 3rd, 4th, 5th Walkers will depart through the Early Childhood Wing
3:16 1st and 2nd Walkers will depart through the Early Childhood Wing
3:17 Car Riders begin
Severe Weather Dismissal
A decision will be made for Severe Weather Dismisal between 2:50 - 3:00 pm. A mass messge will be sent to parents from Admin. All bikers and walkers will be held with car riders following the times above.