ESEA (ESSA) & Title I
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (Every Student Succeeds Act)
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is a United States federal statute originally enacted in 1965. These federal funds are authorized for supplemental professional development, instructional materials, resources to support educational programs, as well as parent and family engagement programs. The current reauthorization of ESEA is the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
Humble ISD receives funding for the following entitlement programs within the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Title I, Part A
Title II, Part A
Title III, Part A: English Learners (EL)
Title IV, Part A
Title I, Part A Of The Elementary And Secondary Education Act
Title I Documentation
If you have difficulty accessing the information from the website, hard copies of the reports are available at the district or campus office. Translations (either oral or written) available upon request.
Si tiene dificultades accediendo a la información desde el sitio web, las copias impresas de los informes están disponibles en el distrito o en la oficina del campus. Traducciones (orales o escritas) disponibles baja petición.
TI Parent and Family Engagement
Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act
The Parent and Family Engagement provisions in Title I, Part A reflect the four principles in ESEA/NCLB. Specifically, these provisions stress shared accountability between schools and parents/families for high achievement, including (a) expanded public school choice and supplemental educational services for eligible children in low-performing schools, (b) local development of parental involvement plans with sufficient flexbility to address local needs, and (c) building parents" capacity for using effective practices to improve their own childrens academic achievement.
A few of the important requirements include:
The district must develop a District-Wide Parent and Family Engagement Plan (developed jointly with parents).
Each Title I Part A Schoolwide campus must develop a campus-level Parent and Family Engagement Plan (developed jointly with parents)
Each campus must hold an Annual Title I Meeting for Parents on more than one day at more than one time to inform parents of the school"s participation in the Title I, Part A program and to explain the Title I, Part A requirements, including the rights of parents to be involved in those programs.
Each Title I, Part A school must jointly develop School-Parent Compact with the parents of children served under Title I, Part A as a component of its written Parent and Family Engagement Policy.
Humble ISD Title I Parent and Family Engagement Liaisons =
Each Title I Part A campus in Humble ISD has a designated Parent and Family Engagement (PFE) Liaison.
PFE Liaisons Contact Information
(posting revised 09/19/2024)
Humble ISD Parent University "Strengthening Partnerships through Education"
Parent University is a series of classes that educate families on how to best prepare their students for success. The workshops cover a wide range of topics such as life skills, college and career readiness, health and wellness and much more. Anyone can register for the free Parent University classes and new classes will be added to the schedule throughout the year.