State Compensatory Education (SCE) Program

The State Compensatory Education Program is defined in Texas Education law as programs and/or services designed to supplement the regular education program for students identified as at risk of dropping out of school or who are economically disadvantaged.

The purpose is to increase the academic achievement and reduce the dropout rate of these at risk and/or economically disadvantaged students.

The goal of SCE is to reduce any disparity in performance on assessment instruments (STAAR, EOC) or disparity in the rate of high school completion between students at risk of dropping out of school and all other students, and between students who are economically disadvantaged and all other students.

Eligibility Criteria = (a) State At-Risk, (b) Economically Disadvantaged, (c) Title I Schoowide, (d) Local At-Risk

  • Identification should be conducted (for the student’s benefit) at any time during the year in order to identify those students who are eligible for ”supplemental” services under the SCE program, and to ensure timely interventions are provided for these At Risk Students.

  • S.B. 1746 amends the Texas Education Code TEC §29.081 to identify a “student at risk of dropping out of school” to include each student who is under 26 years of age and satisfies one (or more) of the 14 state at-risk eligibility criteria. 

  • H.B. 3 (86th Legislature) permits us to serve students who are economically disadvantaged as designated by their meal status in eSchool with State Compensatory Education (SCE) staff/funding (supplemental services), regardless of whether the student meets any of the at-risk criteria. A student’s meal status does not designate a student as being “at-risk”.

  • All students enrolled at a Title I Schoolwide campus may receive “supplemental” SCE funded services.

  • Students meeting Local Criteria under Board Policy EHBC as coded accordingly in eSchool may receive “supplemental” SCE funded services.

    Please contact the Director of State & Federal Programs BEFORE serving students to determine if the student meets the Local At-Risk criteria. Spaces are limited; all students served by supplemental SCE funded staff must meet one or more of the aforementioned criteria.

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