AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination)
Keisha Sowell
It is my hope that you realize the potential within yourself, the value of hard work and a post-secondary education. Let's work together to make sure you are able to achieve your educational as well as personal goals! You will be responsible for a great deal and I will push you. However, along the way I would like to have a little fun too!
It's going to be a great year and I can't wait to help you achieve your dreams and goals!
Follow us on Twitter: @WoodcreekAVID
"The capacity to learn is a gift. The ability to learn is a skill. The willingness to learn is a choice!"
Brian Herbert
About AVID
Description: The AVID program at Woodcreek is 3 year cumulative program that works to teach the beginning AVID strategies including time management, organization, goal setting, and Cornell note-taking skills. AVID prepares students for success in rigorous high school courses and introduces students to college, major, and career research via the internet. Students also participate in tutorial, college campus field trips, community service and college fairs.
Items Needed:
Good quality 3-ring binder—2", 21⁄2", or 3" with pocket inserts
5–6 colored tab subject dividers to separate classes, including AVID Elective
Zipper pouch to store supplies (A 3-hole-punched, heavy-duty, re-sealable plastic bag will also work.)
2 or more pens
2 or more pencils
Notebook paper (Some notebook paper is now available in Cornell note style.)
1 subject spiral notebook
About Mrs. Sowell
Thanks for learning more about AVID and myself. I am excited to be working with each AVID student to help them reach their goals. I am passsionate about assisting students to reach their academic goals and become the best version of theirself possible. I look forward to another fantastic year at Woodcreek, GO LIONS!