Humble ISD 2024-2025 Standing Committees of the Board
The Superintendent, Senior Staff and Cabinet are responsible for the effective, efficient and accountable administration of the District. This responsibility includes requirements for educational program and curriculum management, staff and student development and assessment, data-driven decision making, sound financial management, maintaining an effective system of internal control, compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct. The Board of Trustees directs the Superintendent in these matters through establishing Board policy.
Board Committees assist the Board of Trustees in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities related to the administration of the District. The Board President routinely visits with each Committee Chair and the Superintendent and those discussions determine when the committee’s work is scheduled for a Board workshop or meeting.
Audit Committee
Purpose: To assist the Board of Trustees in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities relating to the integrity of the District’s financial statements, the system of internal control, the independence and performance of the external and internal audit functions, and the District’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
Trustees appointed to the Audit Committee for 2024-2025:
Ken Kirchhofer (Chair)
Robert Scarfo
Mike Grabowski
Scope of Work
To assist the Board of Trustees in carrying out their responsibilities as it relates to the District's accounting policies, internal control, and financial reporting practices.
To review the internal audit department's objectives, progress, and goals, and to review significant audit findings.
To ensure that the Internal Audit Charter is periodically reviewed and updated where appropriate.
To maintain lines of communication between the Board of Trustees, the Superintendent, and the District's external auditors, internal auditors, and financial management.
Advocacy Committee
Purpose: Works with the Superintendent and staff to develop positions for advocacy. Acts to inform local, state, and federal elected officials, agencies, and stakeholders of educational needs and impacts for Humble Independent School District. Works with the Superintendent and administration to inform and engage parents and community members in the local, state, and federal legislative and governing process and District priorities.
Trustees appointed to the Advocacy Committee for 2024-2025 :
Martina Lemond Dixon (Chair)
Marques Holmes
Chris Parker
Scope of Work
Represents Board on Lake Houston Area Chamber/City of Humble alternate year legislative trips to Austin and Washington, DC.
Reviews and discusses all advocacy related Board agenda items prior to presentation to the full Board.
Prepares the District Advocacy Goals.
Building and Planning Committee
Purpose: Reviews and vets all Support Services Board agenda items prior to presentation to the full Board. Reviews and provides guidance on all planned bond projects, including facility renovations, new campuses and land acquisitions.
Trustees appointed to the Building and Planning Committee for 2024-2025 :
Robert Scarfo (Chair)
Ken Kirchhofer
Marques Holmes
Finance Committee
Purpose: To assist the Board of Trustees in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities relating to the District’s fiscal stability and financial planning. The Board Finance Committee is responsible for recommending financial policies, goals, and budgets that support the District’s mission, strategic goals and values.
Trustees appointed to the Finance Committee for 2024-2025 :
Ken Kirchhofer (Chair)
Martina Lemond Dixon
Mike Grabowski
Scope of Work
Reviews all staff work related to annual budget development process prior to presentation to full Board.
Reviews all bond funding work prior to the Superintendent making recommendations to the full Board.
Annually reviews Finance regulations (CABR pages 238-273) for Debt Management, Post Issuance Compliance, Capital Improvement Program, Capital Assets Accounting and Financial Reporting, and School Properties Disposal. Additionally, reviews investments policy and strategies.
Safety Committee
Trustees appointed to the Safety Committee for 2024-2025 :
Mike Grabowski (Chair)
Robert Sitton
Chris Parker
Technology Committee
Trustees appointed to the Technology Committee for 2024-2025 :
Marques Holmes (Chair)
Robert Scarfo
Robert Sitton
Board and Superintendent Evaluation Committee
Purpose: Develops with the Superintendent and recommends to the full Board annual goals and targets for the Superintendent and the annual evaluation instrument and contract considerations to be considered for the Superintendent. Develops and conducts annual Board self-evaluation.
Trustees appointed to the Board and Superintendent Evaluation Committee for 2024-2025:
All Trustees
Additionally, Trustees have been appointed to represent the Board in the following areas:
Humble ISD Education Foundation Board
Chris Parker
TASB Delegate and Alternate to Annual Meeting
Martina Lemond Dixon (Delegate)
Marques Holmes (Alternate)