Humble ISD’s iHELP app is a comprehensive reporting solution designed for the needs, behaviors, and attitudes of students; it is easy to use and allows students to remain anonymous. This technology fosters a relationship between schools, law enforcement, counselors, parents, and students. It is also available, free of charge, to all parents and guardians through Apple or Google Play.
Reports are monitored 24/7 to ensure time-sensitive matters are dealt with promptly. When a student uses the app, they are notified when action has been taken on their report. This indicates that their time and concern are valued. The student reporting can attach photos, documents, screenshots, videos, or audio recordings, and can engage in two-way dialogue with a real person. Both features facilitate swift interventions.
Students can share information on any type of danger that may threaten their safety or the safety of others.
Please encourage your student to use this life saving technology for the wellbeing of all our children.