KMS teacher Christie Wootton receives Read 180 award
Colleagues join KMS teacher Christie Wootton in celebrating her READ 180 Educator Award presented by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. From left: KMS Principal Michael Curl, Wootton, KMS Academic Lead Teacher Allyson Sullivan.

Kingwood Middle School teacher Christie Wootton has been nationally recognized with a 180 Educator Award from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) for the difference she makes in students’ lives.

“I feel incredibly blessed, but this is about my school, support from my school, and support from the district,” Wootton said. “It’s about this amazing program, READ 180.”

The award, part of the Boston-based company’s 180 Educator and Student Awards, celebrates educators devoted to guiding students to success by harnessing the power of HMH’s intervention tools READ 180, System 44, and MATH 180. These tools use a mix of teacher instruction and adaptive technology to cater to the needs of individual students and help promote growth in learning.

KMS staff and students gathered on the school’s lawn on Sept. 15 to congratulate Wootton on receiving the award and honor her for her dedication.

KMS staff help celebrate Christie Wootton
KMS staff join teacher Christie Wootton (center, left) as they celebrate her national honor for winning a Houghton Mifflin Harcourt READ 180 Educator Award.

“Ms. Wootton is a key member of our staff and deserves this recognition,” Michael Curl, KMS Principal, said. “She goes above and beyond each day to prove her commitment to her students.”

Wootton has 23 years of experience as a teacher and has been a READ 180 teacher at KMS for the past eight years. Her efforts to give weekly and monthly awards to celebrate student growth in the READ 180 program, as well as spearheading a campus holiday toy drive to inspire her students, helped make her stand out among the finalists.

Twenty educators were selected across the country to receive a 180 Educator Award. Award recipients are chosen through a nominating process from colleagues, students, and teachers. Wootton was nominated by KMS academic lead teacher Allyson Sullivan.

“Students who need support in reading instruction or those who may not like English language arts and reading look forward to her class and often name her as their favorite teacher,” Sullivan said. “I could not think of a more deserving person for this award.”

Each finalist is evaluated based on personal recommendations and statements, as well as data demonstrating student growth in reading or math.

HMH usually announces 180 Award recipients each spring, but the process was extended this year due to COVID-19 challenges.

Wootton will receive a classroom library, a $50 Amazon gift card, and will be invited to partner at future HMH sponsored events. Those who nominated winners will also receive a classroom library to inspire lifelong readers.

Wootton was the Kingwood Middle School Teacher of the Year in 2008 and 2015.

KMS students and staff celebrate Christie Wootton
(Left image) From left: KMS academic lead teacher Allyson Sullivan, KMS cougar mascot “Paws,” KMS teacher Christie Wootton, KMS principal Michael Curl. (Right image) KMS cheerleaders present KMS spirit items to teacher Christie Wootton as they celebrate her national recognition as a Houghton Mifflin Harcourt READ 180 Educator Award winner.