As the fall semester prepares to conclude, we want to share with parents and students information about end of the semester grading procedures. Humble ISD’s grading procedures will remain consistent with those used in prior school years for middle school courses.

Middle school students will take assessments during the week of Dec. 14-18 as the fall semester ends. Thursday and Friday, Dec. 17-18, will be early release days with classes dismissing at 12:35 p.m. These assessments are staggered over several days by class period so that students take one, two, or three tests per day rather than having all their tests on the same day. The exam schedule by class period will be posted in December by each individual campus. Students attending school face-to-face currently will test at school and virtual students will test at home with teachers designing the tests accordingly to ensure a level playing field.

These assessments count as regular summative grades for the second nine-week grading period for most middle school students. It is important that all students take their final assessments for the marking period.

How semester grades are configured in high school credit classes
Middle school students who are enrolled in high school credit courses will follow the high school testing procedures, which are different from the middle school testing procedures.  Information will be sent to the parents of middle school students in high school credit courses regarding the end of the semester.

As always, please reach out to your child’s teacher or counselor if you have questions about your child’s academic progress.