Parent U

Strengthening Partnerships through Education

Parent University is a series of classes that educate families on how to best prepare their students for success.  The workshops cover a wide range of topics such as life skills, college and career readiness, health and wellness and much more.  Anyone can register for the free Parent University classes and new classes will be added to the schedule throughout the year.  
Parent University utilizes Eventbrite for online registrations.  You will need to create a free account to register for any workshops.
If there are topics you would like to see addressed in a future Parent U class, please email Community Development.

Parent U's March Workshops:
Welding 101: Thursday, March 11 
Introductory information & hands on training for welding.
Atascocita High School 6 - 7:30 p.m. 
Serving As Role Models for our Children: Virtual Wednesday, March 24
As parents, it is important to show our children the importance of the six traits of the Portrait of a Graduate:  Communicator, Global Thinker, Critical Thinker, Creative Innovator, Leader, Collaborator, and being personally responsible.  How many of these traits do we use everyday? Each team will be given a project to complete.
Webinar 9 - 10:30 a.m.
Mental Health Recovery from Daily Stress: Virtual Tuesday, March 30
Stress, whether large or small, is a fact of life. You may have too much to do in too little time to face stressful conflicts in your personal relationships or parenting role. Dr. McClain will talk to us about recognizing the signs of a depleted mental health state, and how to focus on not only getting better, but achieving a full and satisfying life.
Webinar 6 - 7 p.m.