Dr. Elizabeth Fagen paused for a photo with Woodcreek Middle School student Sofia Obregon after speaking about leadership to their student council on Monday, October, 10, 2022.

October 10, 2022

Sofia Obregon, an eighth grade student at Woodcreek Middle School, was directed by her student council sponsor, Denelia Blake, to find someone to interview that had a background in education and leadership. 

For Obregon, she wanted that person to be someone that directly impacted her community. Thus, she reached out to Humble ISD Superintendent Dr. Elizabeth Fagen. 

Dr. Fagen spent time on Monday morning talking with Kennedy Gouard (8th grade Vice President), Obregon (8th grade Parliamentarian), Ronil Patel (7th grade President) and Roman Carter (6th grade President) of the Woodcreek Middle School student council about leadership and education. 

“It was pretty cool to hear her viewpoint on leadership and about education,” Obregon said. “I got to learn a lot more about what she does and who she is.” 

The student council members posed nine questions to Dr. Fagen during the conversation, including one about the superintendent’s path to her current role with Humble ISD. 

“My favorite part of the interaction was about her upbringing as a superintendent,” Obregon said. “Because at first she thought she wanted to be in the medical field, but she changed her path to now being a superintendent. That was pretty cool on how your life can change and turn out to be.” 

One of the final questions posed to Dr. Fagen was asking for advice that she would give someone wanting to pursue a leadership position within education. 

“The best advice that I could give is, always remember what it was like to be a student and always remember what it was like to be a teacher,” Dr. Fagen said.

Humble ISD Superintendent Dr. Elizabeth Fagen poses for a photo with Woodcreek Middle School Student Council members Kennedy Gouard, Sofia Obregon, Roman Carter and Ronil Patel after speaking with the group about leadership on Monday, October 10, 2022, at Woodcreek Middle School.