Welcome from the Humble ISD School Board President: Robert Scarfo

As this year’s issue of Your Schools reaches your mailbox the “old school” way (pun intended!),

controlled chaos is once again prevalent in thousands of households across the district. Parents are busy readying students to head to their respective campuses. While it will take a week or so to work out the bugs, things will soon be running smoothly at home and our students will arrive at school ready to learn new things, as they are guided by our outstanding and dedicated staff.

Our teachers, administrators and support staff work tirelessly throughout the year to keep that first day excitement going. It never gets old for me to seethe learning in classrooms whenever I visit a campus. Whether attending an Aeroscience rocket test launch, the Integrated Athletics track and field events for our high school and middle school students, Culinary Arts, Health Science, or Elementary Robotics competitions – to name just a few – I am given a close-up view of student growth and achievement.

Over the last few years, there has been phenomenal growth in opportunities for our students to explore possible career tracks, starting as early as the elementary level. The Career and Technical Education offerings at Humble ISD far exceed the state requirements, and last year we had over 16,000 middle and high school students participating. Additionally, 775 job-ready industry-based certifications were earned by our students in various fields. Programs drive student success. Facilitating this success is why school districts exist!

Humble ISD, like all districts across Texas and the nation, have had to put considerable resources into addressing the mental health struggles facing an ever-growing number of our students, from high school to the elementary level. Dr. Fagen began bolstering programs in this area two years ago, which have been paying dividends for students and parents, in assisting them to make progress in overcoming these challenges. Another level of counseling is being added for this school year to address this growing need.

These efforts go hand in hand with campus safety. This is one of the most important priorities for our Team of Eight, because if students, staff, and parents don’t feel safe, learning cannot flourish. That is why improvements related to safety are always evolving, from building hardness to campus access protocols/audits. We have Threat Assessment Teams on all campuses, rather than the one district level team required by TEA. Multiple digital platforms are also employed, and staff and student training are on-going. 

Humble ISD’s reputation for excellence continues to attract families to our community. Student enrollment has grown 45% since 2008, when I was first elected to the Board, to over 48,000 students last year. The graduates from the class of 2023 were awarded over $23 million in scholarships. Fifty-two students at Sconzo Early College High School earned their Associates Degrees, along with their high school diplomas. Seventeen fine arts students made All-State in choir, band or orchestra. Humble ISD athletes advanced to post-season play in every sport.

I would strongly encourage you to deepen your engagement with our district and our students. There are many ways to do this.

First, the most enjoyable way is to attend a student theatrical, musical or athletic event. You will
be impressed by their level of performance.

Second, our School Board holds regular monthly meetings. Meetings are open to the public and the agenda is posted at www.humbleisd.net, so you can see the meeting’s topics in advance. School Board meetings include time for public comment. We want to engage the public. Due to the legalities of the Texas Open Meetings Act, we cannot always respond to you during the meeting. However, we can acknowledge you and say we will learn more about your topic. If you cannot attend in-person, the meetings are livestreamed, and also recorded for later viewing.

Third, we hold Breakfast with the Board meetings about five times a year. These meetings begin before the school day and are often held on a campus. Like our regular meetings, the agendas are posted and they are open to the public. Breakfast with the Board meetings are special because they focus on current topics of interest. Last year, the meetings covered Personalized Student Success; College, Career and Military Readiness; Mental Health; and
Safety. These meetings are a great way to learn about what’s going on in classrooms.

Fourth, the newly launched district website includes a wealth of data, including a Financial Transparency section. The district is fiscally healthy. Humble ISD’s bond rating is equal to or higher than 97 percent of school districts in Texas. The district has been recognized by state and national organizations for its careful and responsible management of resources. We received an A for Superior Achievement on the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas. Humble ISD has earned ASBO’s Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting Award for the past 37 years!

Our Board is committed to providing competitive compensation that attracts and retains the best staff for our district and its students. As noted previously, our Board also continues to allocate more resources for safety and mental health. Nothing is more important than protecting students and staff.

I know from personal experience that education provides an opportunity to move yourself ahead. It can truly be a vehicle in leveling the playing field. Our job as a school district must be to provide students with a solid foundation, readying them for whatever is next in their life - so that they can have not just a job, but a rewarding career that allows them to pursue their passions.

Professionally, I work in finance. Finance is about looking forward, putting money at risk in hopes of a payoff. As a School Board, we are committed to making sure you get a good return on your investment in your schools.

We are honored and privileged to represent such a high-achieving, caring community with a dynamic future. The 2023-24 school year will be a time for students to continue to shine and achieve. Welcome back to school!