Update 1/15/25
The Humble ISD 2025-2026 District Calendar* was approved at the Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2025. The first day of school for students will be Wednesday, August 13, 2025, and the last day of school for students will be Friday, May 29, 2026.
Humble ISD staff and students have had weeklong breaks scheduled in October and February since the 2019-2020 school year. Since Humble ISD implemented these breaks, other school districts in the Houston area followed the practice. The proposed 2025-2026 calendar continues to include October and February breaks in addition to the traditional Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring Breaks.
The proposed calendar meets state requirements, ensuring that students receive at least 75,600 minutes of instruction and that teachers have a total of 187 workdays. Teachers expressed a preference for having staff workdays (inservice days) before school starts rather than at the end of the year, so the proposed calendar features nine staff workdays before school begins and two after it ends.
FAQ: Why can't teachers start back in August? Why can’t teachers get out in May?
Answer: The district aimed to start the school year in August and end in May, but this isn't possible due to state rules on the number of workdays for teachers. With the planned breaks during the school year, to meet the 187-day requirement teachers need to return on July 31, 2025, and have their last day on June 2, 2026.
Changes made
The proposed calendar reflects parents' feedback to start school later in August. This year, classes began on August 7, 2024. Next year, the first day is planned for August 13, 2025. The district also considered requests to move Spring Break later in the year. This school year, Spring Break is scheduled for March 10-14, 2025, while the proposed Spring Break for next year is March 16-20, 2026.
FAQ: What potential changes may occur in the coming years?
Answer: The Texas Legislature is scheduled to convene from January to June 2025. There is ongoing discussion among lawmakers regarding a potential bill that could restrict school districts from commencing the academic year in early or mid-August for subsequent school years following the 2025-2026 academic year. Humble ISD intends to maintain next year's calendar similarly to this year's calendar and will conduct a calendar survey after the 2025 Legislative Session, once any new state requirements are clarified, to inform planning for the 2026-2027 calendar.
The proposed 2025-2026 calendar includes:
One-week October Break (Oct. 13-17, 2025) due to starting school one week later.
One-week Thanksgiving Break (Nov. 24-28, 2025)
Two-week Winter Break (Dec. 22, 2025, to Jan. 2, 2026)
One-week February Break (Feb. 9-13, 2026)
One-week Spring Break (March 16-20, 2026) that coincides with Lone Star College.
First semester ends and final exams are held before Winter Break
Holidays on the Fourth of July (July 4, 2025); Labor Day (Sept. 1, 2025); Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January 19, 2026); Good Friday (April 3, 2026); and Memorial Day (May 25, 2026)
All Student Holiday/Staff Workdays on: July 31-August 1, 2025; August 4-12, 2025; January 5, 2026; and June 1-2, 2026.
Elementary Only Student Holiday/Elementary Staff Workday on October 20, 2025; October 31, 2025 (Parent/Teacher Conferences); February 16, 2026; and March 23, 2026.
School begins on Wednesday, August 13, 2025. Starting classes mid-week supports a smooth first week because offices will be open on Monday and Tuesday for families who need to complete registration. This also allows students to adjust by having a shorter first week.
The district comp days are within the February break. This allows campus employees who are hired near the end of summer or during the school year the time to earn comp days by February.
There are sufficient minutes to keep the calendar in place in the event of a brief weather-related closure.