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Elijah Chenier
Assistant Football | Assistant Basketball
Summer Creek High School
Amanda Christian
Assistant Swimming & Diving
Summer Creek High School
Ruth Christopher
Assistant Girls Track & Field Assistant Girls Cross Country
Summer Creek High School
Jay'mond Cleveland
Assistant Football
Summer Creek High School
Becky Cobb
Head Girls Soccer
Summer Creek High School
Kenneth Coleman
Head Boys Basketball
Summer Creek High School
Ryan Croy
Assistant Boys Basketball
Summer Creek High School
Rashan Davis-Ward
Assistant Football | Assistant Track
Summer Creek High School
Elton Ervin
Assistant Boys Track & Field Assistant Boys Cross Country
Summer Creek High School
Shelton Ervin
Head Boys Track Head Boys Cross Country
Summer Creek High School
Roberto Espinoza
Assistant Football Assistant Wrestling
Summer Creek High School
Joby Focke
Assistant Football | Assistant Baseball
Summer Creek High School
Donovan Gans
Assistant Football Assistant Boys Soccer
Summer Creek High School
Cliff Gantt
Head Boys Wrestling Head Girls Wrestling
Summer Creek High School
Kyle Giusti
Assistant Baseball Assistant Football
Summer Creek High School
Rodney Gray
Assistant Basketball Assistant Boys Track & Field
Summer Creek High School
Chad Hakemack
Head Boys Golf Head Girls Golf
Summer Creek High School
James Harper
Defensive Coordinator Football
Summer Creek High School
Kenny Harrison
Head Football Campus Coordinator
Summer Creek High School
Yesenia Hernandez
Assistant Trainer
Summer Creek High School