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Trichelle Watlers
Assistant Trainer
Summer Creek High School
DJ Wilson
Head Baseball | Assistant Campus Coordinator
Summer Creek High School
Kendra Wilson
Assistant Softball
Summer Creek High School
Daelynn Battle
Cheer | Girls Cross Country
Timberwood Middle School
Jeremy Camp
Boys Coach
Timberwood Middle School
Kevin Crizer
Boys Coordinator | Boys Coach
Timberwood Middle School
Benjamin Estridge
Boys Coach
Timberwood Middle School
Becky Ethridge
Girls Coach | Soccer
Timberwood Middle School
Katy Godby
Girls Coach | Soccer
Timberwood Middle School
Angalyn Latin
Girls Coach
Timberwood Middle School
Chasity Mayes
Girls Coordinator | Girls Coach
Timberwood Middle School
Jeffrey McGuire
Boys Cross Country | Track & Field | Soccer
Timberwood Middle School
Sarah Neal
Girls Coach
Timberwood Middle School
Rashamir Sims
Boys Coach
Timberwood Middle School
Braden Tackett
Timberwood Middle School
Brian Thurmond
Boys Coach
Timberwood Middle School
Katie Blair
Girls Coordinator | Girls Coach
West Lake Middle School
Twila Brown
Girls Coach
West Lake Middle School
K'Loni Etumnu-Johnson
Girls Coach
West Lake Middle School
Nick Hoey
Boys Cross Country
West Lake Middle School