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Jason Manfred
Assistant Football Assistant Baseball
Humble High School
Robert McAdams
Assistant Athletic Trainer
Humble High School
Robert Murphy
Head Football Athletic Coordinator
Humble High School
Nyesha Patillo
Assistant Athletic Trainer
Humble High School
Chris Reid
Head Boys Basketball
Humble High School
Mike Romig
Assistant Athletic Trainer
Humble High School
Madeline Seagraves
Assistant Girls Track & Field
Humble High School
David Smith
Assistant Football
Humble High School
Charles Southall
Head Girls Track & Field
Humble High School
Danny Southall
Assistant Football Head Boys Track & Field
Humble High School
Alvin Sullivan
Assistant Boys Track & Field Assistant Football
Humble High School
Latron Thomas
Assistant Football
Humble High School
Rachel Torres
Head Girls Soccer Head Girls Cross Country
Humble High School
Wayne Wheeler
Varsity Assistant Football Freshman Basketball
Humble High School
Steven Williams
Head Swimming & Diving
Humble High School
Jerron Wishom
Assistant Football Assistant Softball
Humble High School
Gary Witty
Assistant Football Assistant Boys Track & Field Academic Coordinator
Humble High School
Madelyn Zimmerlee
Assistant Girls Basketball
Humble High School
Rafael Zuluaga
Assistant Boys Soccer
Humble High School
Deja Alexander
Humble Middle School