Policies and Procedures
Arrival & Dismissal Information
Arrival-School begins at 7:55 a.m. There is no supervision for students prior to 7:15 a.m. Breakfast will start at 7:15 am and will end at 7:55 This will allow the line to move quicker and students should all be served in time for class. Students will not bring their breakfasts down to the classrooms.
Dismissal-School is released at 3:20 p.m. Carpool signs are required for dismissal for all car riders and are available in the front office.
Deerwood's Official Attendance Time is at 9:55 am.
Please review and discuss the following information with your children. These are areas of safety you can help us with and be in support of so that we can maintain the level of safety at Deerwood that your children deserve.
Traffic Pattern for Car Riders

Car Rider: If a child is put directly into a vehicle by a staff member or an ambassador, they are defined as a car rider. Car riders are dismissed only through the circular front drive or the cafeteria side of the school as defined by the dismissal map. Parents remain in their cars. Please remind your Dolphins to wait until your car stops to start getting in the car. Students should be able to load on the right side of the car for best safety practices.
Front Car
Please follow the arrival/dismissal procedures as indicated above on the map. Foster's Mill, Sand Creek I and IV, Kings Crossing Apartments, Kings Cove Apartments, Harbor Cove Apartments, Harbor View Apartments, and Kings Lakes Estates children will use the circular drive in front of the school, single lane only. From Forest Garden Drive turn into the front circular drive. Exit left onto Forest Garden Drive.
Cafeteria Side
Sand Creek II, III, V, and VI car riders will use the cafeteria side of the school. Parents are asked to come down Forest Garden Drive from the Four Pines Drive direction, making a left to enter the side parking lot. Then exit the parking lot by making a right-only turn as this will keep the traffic moving and help all to get home quickly. Signs are posted to clarify correct procedures. From 3:00-3:30 - there is no right turn into the side parking lot from Forest Garden.
Car Rider Reminders
Follow posted speed limits, both in the school zone and neighboring streets. Please drive even more slowly and with extreme caution once you have entered the school's driveways and parking lot.
Do not park on the street and ask your child to walk to your car for dismissal. This is dangerous and causes more congestion on the street.
For the safety of your child, please do not ask him/her to meet you at a dismissal location other than the two designated areas. Car riders must remain under the supervision of school personnel until picked up by a parent or approved persons on emergency cards.
Please be sure all doors are closed and ambassadors or adults have stepped away from the curb before leaving the area.
Students should never exit a vehicle in the parking lot and walk unattended into the school.
Traffic Pattern for Walkers

Walker: A walker is a student who walks home or to another location to meet their parents. A walker is also a student who is met by their parents and walked to a car. Walkers are dismissed to the hard-top area in the back of the school. All parents should meet their student(s) at this location if you are walking to a parked car or home.
Students and parents should not walk between cars and buses to get to parked cars.
Parents may not walk up into the car rider dismissal areas to retrieve their children to walk to a parked car located on the street or in the faculty parking lot.
The map is designed to keep pedestrians from entering unsafe moving traffic.
Please complete this Birthday Treat Request form ONE week before bringing birthday treats for your student to serve.
Birthday Treat Request
Ice cream passes are available for purchase in the cafeteria.
Cell Phones and Smart Watches
Students are permitted to bring technology/cell phones to school, but all technology items must be placed in backpacks and silenced during the school day. This applies to all technology devices (Apple Watches, etc.) that have calling/texting/gaming/recording capabilities. Any misuse of technology will be referred to the Student Code of Conduct. Please contact the front office at 281-641-2200 and/or your child's teacher with any important information with regard to your child during the school day. All student electronic devices must be silenced and stowed away in backpacks and are not permitted to be used during school hours.
Dismissal Change
If you must change the way your child is going home, please send a written note to the teacher in the morning. Transportation changes should be in writing from the parent to the teacher by 2:15 pm. Other transportation changes should be made through the front office.
Dolphin Mail

Deerwood sends important information to parents by email weekly and by text when emergencies arise. Please be certain that your email addresses and phone numbers are current. If you are not receiving emails from your child’s teacher or Deerwood, please contact the school.
Early Pick-Up
Parents needing to pick up their child early from school for an appointment, should to do so before 2:45 p.m. This policy minimizes disruption as students and teachers prepare for the end of the day and for dismissal.
Forgotten Items
To keep classroom disruptions to a minimum, we ask that you bring all forgotten items to the office. These items will be delivered to classrooms at 9:00.
The Humble ISD affirms its stand on academic emphasis in the grading practices. The actual grade
reflecting the student’s relative mastery of an assignment will be recorded and averaged to determine the nine weeks grade.
Students in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, first and second grades will be evaluated using a developmental continuum. The following grading scale is used in grades 3-5 to assess reading/language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies:
90 – 100 A
80 – 89 B
70 – 79 C
0 – 69 Failing
The comprehensive performance of students in grades 3-5 will be assessed for physical education, music, penmanship, art, PE conduct, music conduct, and classroom conduct using the
following scale:
E (excellent)
S (satisfactory)
N (needs improvement)
U (unsatisfactory)
Work habits influence academic performance, and thereby influence mastery of the essential elements of the curriculum. The assessment of these learner characteristics is based on teacher observation of established expectations. Social behavior is related to the conduct grade recorded. Conduct grades are based on the student’s compliance with the Humble ISD Discipline Plan and the rules of the campus and classrooms. Participation plays an important part in computing E, S, N, and U grades.
Late Work
Assignments and tests must be completed and turned in on the assigned date in order to receive full credit. In an effort for the student’s work to reflect mastery of the content presented in the assignment, no more than 10 total points will be deducted for late work.
The intent of Humble ISD’s re-teaching/reassessment policy is to ensure that students have an opportunity to master the District’s curricular objectives. Re-teaching in the District may be integrated into lessons during guided practice and may be a part of the explanation phase when checking for understanding is done. Within a campus-wide process each teacher will determine when re-teaching should be scheduled. For critical skills, it will be done immediately; for recurring skills, it may be deferred.
Reassessing Individuals
After re-teaching, the teacher may use a variety of reassessment techniques to determine mastery. These techniques may include oral questioning, observation, retesting, demonstration, an additional assignment, or an alternative for the assignment. This applies to all forms of assessment. If a teacher chooses to retest an individual to determine mastery, an average of the two grades or the higher of the two grades shall be used in calculating the grade-cycle average.
Reassessing Groups
An entire class or group will be retaught and reassessed when the teacher determines that half (50%) or more of the class have failed to perform at mastery level (70%). The higher of the two grades shall be recorded for each class member.
The purpose of tutorials is to provide additional direct instruction and other assistance for students who are experiencing difficulty in the regular classroom.
Severe Weather Dismissal

At 3:00 p.m. on days with inclement weather, campus administrators will determine if we will have a Severe Weather Dismissal based on the amount of visible lightning and/or thunder, heavy persistent rain, or freezing temperatures/precipitation. Rain-only does not constitute the need for a Severe Weather Dismissal.
During Severe Weather Dismissal, bikers and walkers will become car riders. They will NOT be allowed to walk or bike home. Please make sure your child knows if they are a front or side car rider should a Severe Weather Dismissal be called.
All students are expected to attend school regularly and to be on time to class in order to derive maximum benefit from the instruction program and to develop habits of punctuality, self-discipline and responsibility. Students who enter a class after the bell has rung are a disruption to their class.
School begins at 7:55 a.m. and students should be in class at that time. Students arriving after 7:55 a.m. will check in at the front desk for a tardy ticket. Students arriving after 7:55 a.m. will need to be checked in by a parent at the front desk for a tardy ticket.
All visitors are required to check in at the front desk, present a valid ID and wear a visitor’s badge while on campus.