Turkey Trot


Come one, come all and join your child for Elm Grove's annual Turkey Trot on Friday, November 17th. Students are encouraged to invite friends, family, neighbors, staff and faculty to walk/jog with them. Due to safety reasons, we ask that all pets be left at home. Every time a student or adult completes one lap around the track, they will be given one colored popsicle stick. At the end of the class period, the Specials teachers will collect and count sticks from each homeroom class. The individual class in each grade level with the most laps completed will receive a trophy to be kept in their classroom until the end of the year! See all you "TROTTERS" on Friday, November 17th.

*Please note that additional school age children, including EGE students, are not able to participate in the Turkey Trot, as they should be participating in their regularly scheduled school classes. Elm Grove students should only attend their own grade level Turkey Trot.

Turkey Trot Schedule:

5th Grade 8:15-9:05

4th Grade 9:15-10:05

3rd Grade 10:10-11:00

1st Grade 11:35-12:25

Kindergarten 12:30-1:20

2nd Grade 1:25-2:15

Pre-K 2:15 - 3:05