Eagle Art on Display

Throughout the year, Humble ISD art students have their artwork on display at various places in our community.

A BIG Congratulations to Rebekah Belknap who will have her artwork entitled, "The Wonderful Cat" on display at the first Administration Building student exhibit.  Her fabulous cat painting was inspired by the artist, Laurel Burch.  A special artist reception will be held on November 13 from 5-7pm to honor Rebekah and the other Humble ISD artists featured in the show.

Congratulations to the following students who will have their artwork on display in the hospital in the pediatric wing:  Isabelle Shaw, Amanda Okorie, Abigail Travis and Edith McMullin.  These students' beautiful artwork was inspired by Peter Reynolds' book, "The Dot".

Another BIG Congratulations to Edith McMullin who will have her artwork in a digital art exhibit at the Kingwood Art Festival which will be held on December 9 from 11-6pm in Town Center in Kingwood.  A color copy of Edith's awesome artwork will be on display at this event.

Way to go, Eagle Artists!!!  You are amazing!!