Julie Garza Memorial Scholarship

The Elm Grove Elementary Julie Garza Memorial Scholarship are granted in memory of a former dedicated Elm Grove teacher and are funded through donations and fundraisers sponsored by Elm Grove Staff and Community. Awards are available only to graduating high school seniors who also completed the fifth grade at Elm Grove Elementary School.

Recipients of scholarships will be selected by the Elm Grove Scholarship Committee. The following selection criteria will be applied. Applicants must (1) demonstrate the academic potential to perform satisfactorily in the school of their choice, (2) demonstrate characteristics of good citizenship, (3) complete the application and (4) compose an essay of fewer than 300 words describing interests, ambitions, long-range career plans, and the importance of receiving this scholarship.


Who is Eligible:
Graduating seniors attending Humble ISD. Applicants must have completed 5th grade at Elm Grove Elementary and demonstrate characteristics of good citizenship.

Amount Awarded:
Two senior students will each receive a $500 scholarship.
