Veterans Day Program / Parade
We want to thank all of our Veterans and take a moment to celebrate them. If you have a family member who is a veteran, we would like to invite them to have breakfast with your child and experience some special treats from some of our students. Please join us for Hidden Hollow's annual Veteran's Day Celebration in the cafeteria on Friday November 10th at 8:00. Please complete this RSVP form.
We want to commemorate our veterans with a special display all about them. If you have a veteran in your family that you would like to add to our display please return a photo and complete the attached bio information about them to the front office.
Veteran’s Day Schedule
November 10th
8:00 Guests can enter the building through the cafeteria doors and breakfast will be served
8:25 Color Guard presentation, Veteran’s Day Performance
8:55 Line up for a parade
9:00 Parade begins, led by Boy Scouts
Veteran's Day Breakfast Donations
If you would like to sign up to donate breakfast items for our Veteran's day breakfast please visit If the link isn't working, please copy and paste the link into your browser.