Hi Roadrunner Families,
Our Student Council is excited to present our 3rd Annual Hidden Hollow Elementary Talent Show! Our Talent is Out of This World! We want YOU! Students in Grades 2nd-5th are invited to participate in the Talent Show. If your student is interested, please have them sign up for an “audition” spot using this link: Sign Up Here to Reserve Your Spot or
Audition QR Code.
Auditions will be on Wed. March 27th in the cafeteria from 3:30-5:30 pm. The audition is just a chance for the Talent Show Committee to approve their act. All students who follow the guidelines will be selected to perform in the Talent Show. The HHE Talent Show is designed to be enjoyable by participants and spectators and no awards will be given…just tons of praise and applause!!! Please view the requirements and permission slip here or scan the
Talent Show Requirements & Permission Slip QR code below.
If your child wants to be in the Talent Show but is not sure what talent to display, please have them reach out to Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Weeks, or Mrs. Olson for ideas. Please reach out with any questions. jmhoward@humbleisd.net, janamichelle.olson@humbleisd.net, jweeks@humbleisd.net