🎓 Calling all Class of 2025 Seniors! Humble ISD elementary and middle schools are planning their Senior Walks & Receptions. Information is being updated as it comes in! Mark your calendars for these special events! https://www.humbleisd.net/seniorreceptions
5 days ago, Humble ISD
Senior Receptions 2025
Join Wildcat Allsports Booster Club and a portion of the Spirit Night sales will be donated .You can use the Chick-Fil-A app for Spirit Night. Join us Thursday, March 20th from 3 pm - 8 pm and let's make every order count.
6 days ago, HHS
Spirit Night logo for HHS Athletics!
Get Your Tickets Today for the next HHS Theatre production This Girl Laughs, This Girl Cries, This Girl Does Nothing. Tickets are available HHSTheatre.com.
20 days ago, HHS
HHS Theatre's graphic for their upcoming play.
HHS Theatre's Flyer for their upcoming play.
On Tuesday, HHS 9th grade IB Academy students spent the day at Lone Star Flight Museum. They toured the museum and they all got to “fly” in the flight simulator-which proved trickier than they anticipated in trying to land their flights without incident- but we may have a few future pilots! #ShineOn
about 1 month ago, Humble ISD
IB at Lone Star Flight Museum
Humble ISD offers a diverse range of Career & Technical Education (CTE) courses to match various interests, including Dental Assisting, Culinary Arts, Barbering, Real Estate, Drone Piloting, and more. In episode 36 of Ask an Expert, Humble ISD Director of CTE Larry Wilson discusses which courses lead to industry certifications, highlights new and expanding CTE programs, and explains how middle school students can get a head start in career and technical education. You can watch all episodes of Ask An Expert at https://www.humbleisd.net/askanexpert.
about 1 month ago, Humble ISD
Ask an Expert
Humble ISD's International Baccalaureate (IB) Academy and Diploma Program at Humble High School is helping students gain access to top colleges and universities. In episode 35 of Ask an Expert, Humble ISD IB Coordinator Rene Lane highlights what makes the program unique—offering students the opportunity to build strong resumes, earn college credit, obtain an IB diploma, and even pursue a bilingual diploma. You can watch all episodes of Ask An Expert at https://www.humbleisd.net/askanexpert.
about 2 months ago, Humble ISD
Ask an Expert Podcast
Come out and support your Humble Wildcat Baseball team as the take on Dekaney and Dayton in the latest string of scrimmages. Vs Dekaney (V) February 4th @ 4 pm and (JV) February 5th @ 4:30 pm, Vs Dayton, February 7th, (V) @ 5 pm, (JV) @ 6 pm, & (Soph.) @ 4:30 pm
about 2 months ago, HHS
Humble High Baseball logo
Newest HHS Baseball scrimmage schedule.
Celebrating 35 Years of Lake Houston Tradition. 2025 HUMBLE ISD PARTICIPATION INCENTIVES:Top 3 Schools with highest percentage of students participating in 5K will each receive $500 for their PE department! (must note school affiliation on registration) TIMED 5K FREE FESTIVAL, VENDOR FAIR AND 1 MILE RACE March 22nd @8 am 2420 West Lake Houston Parkway Kingwood, TX 77339 https://runsignup.com/Race/TX/Kingwood/LakeHoustonFamilyYMCABridgeFest Shuttle Bus & Parking Provided by Humble ISD at Creekwood Middle School Scan the QR code for more information PRESENTED BY: HCA Houston Healthcare Kingwood
about 2 months ago, HHS
YMCA logo for Bridgefest 2025
Bridgefest flier
The 2025 Humble ISD Rodeo Art Show will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 28 and Wednesday, January 29, at the Humble Civic Center. Please join us to help celebrate our award-winning student artists!
about 2 months ago, HHS
Humble ISD Rodeo Art Show 2025 Poster!
Come out and support the Wildcatdet Dance team for their Chipotle Fundraiser. Monday, February 3rd @ 4 - 8 pm, 10035 FM 1960 Bypass Rd. W, Humble, TX, 77338 24% of the Proceeds Go To HHS Wildcatdet Dance Team! We would greatly appreciate your support.
about 2 months ago, HHS
English Wildcatdet Chipotle Fundraiser flyer!
Spanish Wildcatdet Chipotle Fundraiser flyer!
Humble ISD is cancelling school due to the potential for hazardous roadway conditions. Humble ISD will be CLOSED on Tuesday, January 21, and on Wednesday, January 22, due to the weather forecast. As a reminder, Humble ISD is CLOSED on Monday, January 20, for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday. The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Warning for Houston beginning at 6 p.m. Monday. “Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous,” the National Weather Service stated. “The hazardous conditions could impact the Tuesday morning, Tuesday evening, and Wednesday morning commutes.” Stay safe and warm, Humble ISD Family!
2 months ago, Humble ISD
Weather Update for Jan. 21-22
📣Social Media Shout Out📣 to HHS Coach Reid and the Boys Basketball Team who are serving as Mentors to 5th grade boys at Lakeland Elementary! #ShineOn💫
2 months ago, Humble ISD
HHS Basketball Mentor Program
HHS Basketball Mentor Program
Attention Seniors! The Humble ISD Education Foundation offers several scholarships for graduating seniors. More info at https://secure.smore.com/n/rb5gj.
3 months ago, Humble ISD
Senior Scholarships
📣Social Media Shout Out📣 to Ms. McMunn - HHS IB History Teacher who spent the day with IB Physics Seniors in College Station where they visited the nuclear reactor and then the George Bush Presidential Library!
4 months ago, Humble ISD
HHS IB Field Trip
HHS IB Field Trip
Tailor your Wildcat Experience for the 25-26 school year! Discover course options, athletics, fine arts & more for the upcoming year. Join us for Course Preview Night on 12/11 from 6-7:30 pm. 8th grade parent mtg will be held at 6:00 pm in the PAC.
4 months ago, HHS
Humble High School entrance photo.
Wildcat Experience poster to advertise for the event.
Attention seniors! If you need assistance with completing your FAFSA, join us for FAFSA night on 12/11 at 6 pm in the HHS Media Center.
4 months ago, HHS
FAFSA test application for advertising .
FAFSA Night Poster used for advertising.
Humble High School AVID students travelled to Jack Fields Elementary on Wednesday to assist in putting up some holiday decorations! #ShineOn
4 months ago, Humble ISD
Humble ISD is teaming up with Humble Area Assistance Ministries (HAAM) to bring holiday cheer to students in need through the Empty Stocking Seasons of Sharing Drive. In Episode 31 of Ask an Expert, Matt Smith, Coordinator of Elementary Counseling and Behavioral Services and Homeless Liaison, discusses how the community unites to support HAAM's Toy Drive and Humble ISD's "Fill the Bus" initiatives. Catch all episodes of Ask An Expert at https://www.humbleisd.net/askanexpert
4 months ago, Humble ISD
Ask an Expert
The Humble High School Wildcatdets performed at the Mother's Against Cancer Luncheon on Monday, December 2, at the Humble Civic Center. #ShineOn
4 months ago, Humble ISD
Wild Catdets at Mothers Against Cancer Luncheon
It is time for 8th grade families to think about options for their student’s high school experience! Please join us to learn about our IB Academy, tomorrow night at 6 pm at Humble High School. Applications are open to all 8th graders in the district and transportation is provided!
4 months ago, HHS
Humble High School entrance photo.