Campus Information

Campus Profile

 Humble Middle School
11207 Will Clayton Pkwy. Humble, TX 77346
281-641-4170   Fax: 281-641-4117   Grades: 6, 7, 8

School Hours
First Bell 8:25 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. M, T, W, F
First Bell 9:50 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. Late Arrival Thursdays
Bell Schedule

Attendance Areas &  Bus Routes
Attendance zones and bus routes
Transportation Department 281-641-8720

Enrollment & Demographics, Test Scores and Ratings, and Staff Information
Enrollment & Demographics, Test Scores and Ratings, and Staff Information comes from the most recent TAPR report, which was published in 2023. This is the most recent report published by the Texas Education Agency.

Enrollment & Demographics
Enrollment (TAPR) 1,376
Demographics: African American 37.9%; Hispanic 54.2%; White 3.9%; American Indian 0.1%; Asian 0.9%; Pac. Islander 1.0%; Two or more races 1.9%; Economically Disadvantaged: 81.1% English Language Learners: 29.6%

Rating & STAAR Scores
2021-2022 Accountability Rating: C
2022-2023 Accountability Rating pending TEA release

Scores below reflect At Approaches Grade Level or Above






Social Studies



















Campus Reports
TEA School Report Card 2021-22 *2022-2023 pending TEA release
TAPR - Full Campus Report 2022-2023
Federal Report Card 2023-2024   online 
Campus Improvement Plan 

Staff Information
Total Staff: 132.4
Total Teachers: 100.2
Student/Teacher Ratio: 13.7:1

Campus Information
Humble MS opened in 1971 at the site of the present Sterling Middle School. It opened in its Will Clayton location in 1993.   
Uniforms: No 
Colors: Purple & White 
Mascot: Wildcats

Meal Prices
Breakfast $1.50
Lunch $3.00
Breakfast & Lunch Menus

District Resources
Middle School & High School Planning Guide
Student/Parent Handbook
Humble ISD Advanced Learning and Services
Humble ISD Teaching & Learning
Humble ISD Calendars and Dates

Main Contact Numbers
Principal:  281-641-4010
Nurse:  281-641-4005
Attendance:  281-641-4003 

This information is taken from the TAPR (Texas Academic Performance Report) as reported by the Texas Education Agency.

Humble ISD Public Communications Office
10203 Birchridge Drive
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 641-8200; Fax: (281) 641-1058


Map and Directions

Attendance Times & Policy

Students must be present by 9:45am to be counted for our Average Daily Attendance. 

I. Reporting Student Absences: When your student will be absent you need to call the attendance office and report the absence. Communication is crucial. If your student will be absent for an extended period of time you must contact the attendance office so we are aware of your student's circumstances and can notify your student's counselor. Examples would be traveling out of town/state/country or hospitalization/severe illness of the student or an immediate family member.
* If your student has a chronic illness that will result in frequent absences please provide documentation from your student's physician so we are aware of the situation. Please be assured that any information provided will remain strictly confidential.

II. Students Returning After An Absence: In accordance with the Humble I.S.D. Parent/Student Handbook a student is required to send a parent/guardian note or a doctor's note to the attendance office the day your student returns to school. There is a 2 day time limit for turning in these notes. Please include on the note your student's legal name, date of absence, the reason for the absence and a parent/guardian signature.

III. Excessive Absences: Please refer to the Humble I.S.D. Parent/Student Handbook for Compulsory Student Attendance laws and criteria that would constitute possible legal consequences for "Failure to Attend School". Please Note: Documentation and communication as absences occur are crucial if your student should reach what is considered to be an excessive number of absences.

IV. Perfect Attendance Requirements : A student is eligible for perfect attendance if he/she has been present for every class period, every day. Students who are absent (for any part of the school day) for any reason other than a school related activity will NOT be eligible for perfect attendance.

and Sign-Out Procedure

Middle School Student Sign In/Sign Out Procedures
Cassidy Babin - Attendance Specialist
Phone: 281.641.4003      Fax: 281.641.4117
(Voice Mail Available 24 Hours a Day)
Email Cassidy Babin

Any student arriving after the first bell must sign in at the Attendance Office Window to receive a pass to class. Your teacher will not allow you to enter the classroom without a pass.

II. Any student leaving the campus for any reason must be signed out at the Attendance Office Window. This includes students leaving for lunch, sent home by the clinic or sent home by a Principal. Any student taken off campus that has not been signed could be regarded as truant and subject to disciplinary action.

III. Anyone who is here to sign a student out must present valid photo identification - such as a valid driver's license or a U.S. Passport before the child will be released to leave campus. Any alternate forms of identification are subject to Administrator approval. Administrators are occasionally off campus so please do not rely on someone always being here who can confirm your identity.

IV. Only persons listed on a student's emergency/other contacts section of their enrollment form will be allowed to sign that student out. If the person you are sending to pick up your student is not on their form then the parent/guardian will need to submit in their own handwriting a note stating the name of the person to pick up the student, state that they have your permission to pick up your student and the note must be signed and dated. For your student's safety we cannot accept telephone communication to authorize someone to pick your student up. Due to the number of students attending HMS, please do not call and ask for your student to be pulled from class prior to your arrival unless it is a true emergency/urgent situation. Routine doctor and dental appointments do not create an urgent situation.

Tardy Policy

According to the Humble ISD Parent/Student Handbook:

"All Students are expected to attend school regularly and to be on time to classes. Students who enter a class after the tardy bell sounds are a disruption to that class. At the middle schools, tardies are described as being late to class, being admitted after school begins, or returning to class with no admission permit. Each school has its own tardy policy."

Disciplinary Consequences For Tardies:  (Discipline for tardies is per six weeks)

1-4 Tardies 

Warning/No Consequence

5-9 Tardies 

After School Detention

10-15 Tardies   

Friday Detention (Principal’s Discretion)

*After 10 tardies, discipline is considered on a case by case basis.  Students who fail to complete assigned discipline will receive additional consequences. 

When students are tardy to the 1st class of the day, they are considered late to school and must check in at the attendance window to receive a pass to class. When a student arrives after the 1st bell of the day, they will not be considered tardy if they have proof of a medical/dental appointment, or a note from a parent/guardian stating the reason for being late. The student must turn in their doctor, parent/guardian note on the day they are late. Notes to excuse a tardy will not be accepted at a later date. All  parent/guardian notes are subject to review by an administrator to determine if the reason is excusable. For example oversleeping, stopping to get breakfast, etc. are not excusable reasons for being tardy.

Academic Recovery Class - Arc

Curriculum and Instruction

Dress Code

From the Humble ISD Student Handbook (pages 61-63)

Dress and Grooming (All Grade Levels)

The district’s dress code is established to teach grooming and hygiene, prevent disruption, and minimize safety hazards. Students and parents may determine a student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided that they comply with the following during instructional time:

  • Hair

    • Hair must be neat, clean and well groomed. Hair style/color must not create disruptions or distraction. Extreme hairstyles which include hair that is dyed an unnatural color (green, orange, etc.) will not be permitted.

    • Head sweat bands, hair rollers, or long handled combs may not be worn in the hair.

  • Facial hair, while allowed, must be neatly groomed and a natural color (High Schools only).

  • Head Covering

    • No type of head covering, cap or hat is to be worn or brought to school.

  • Dress

    • Any form of dress or grooming that attracts undue attention, disrupts school, is considered gang related, or detracts from the learning process is unacceptable.

    • No sleepwear is to be worn at school.

    • Mini-dresses and mini-skirts shorter than mid-thigh, spaghetti straps, leotards and halters as an outer garment are not acceptable.

    • Blouses covering tube tops must be buttoned.

    • The length of shorts must be between knee and mid-thigh; no “short-shorts” are allowed.

    • Fashions with slits to mid-thigh are not acceptable.

    • Excessively loose or tight garments are not acceptable; all clothing should be appropriately fit.

    • Shirts must be worn so as not to expose the bare chest. Male students may not wear shirts without sleeves. Tank tops or undershirts are not to be worn as outer garments. The midriff must not be exposed when a student goes through the normal activities of a school day (bending, stretching, reaching, etc.)

    • Garments with inappropriate decorations or advertisements are not acceptable. The American flag is not to be worn as an article of clothing. A depiction of the American flag on clothing, in a respectful manner, is acceptable.

    • Sunglasses are not allowed to be worn in the school building. o Appropriate foundation garments must be worn at all times. o Revealing garments are not permitted.

    • Shoes are to be worn. Steel-toes shoes, house slippers, cleats and roller/wheeled shoes are not permitted. Additionally, at elementary level campuses, heels over ½ inch and flip flops are not permitted.

    • Any garment or accessory that could be used in a threatening or menacing manner is prohibited.

  • Make-up is not permitted at the elementary level.

  • Tattoos must be covered.

  • Piercings:

    • Earrings

      • Elementary & Middle Schools – Girls may wear earrings.

      • High School Only – All students may wear earrings.

  • No other piercings are allowed. 

  • Exceptions to the Humble ISD dress code due to medical reasons must be approved by the grade level principal.

If the principal determines that a student’s grooming or clothing violates the school’s dress code, the student will be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school. If not corrected, the student may be assigned to in-school suspension for the remainder of the day, until the problem is corrected, or until a parent or designee brings an acceptable change of clothing to the school. Repeated offenses may result in more serious disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.

Dropped off or Forgotten Items

Parents may drop off items at the front office.  Items should be clearly labeled with the student’s name and grade. Money or checks needs to be placed in a sealed envelop with the student’s name and grade and left for the student at the front office. 

It is the student’s responsibility to pickup these items in the front office.  We will not interrupt instructional time to deliver forgotten items. 

Students will not be allowed to leave class and wait in the office or commons area for items to be delivered.  Items must be picked up before classes, during lunch, or immediately after school. Lunches not picked up at the end of the day will be discarded. 

A drop off counter is provided for the occasionally forgotten book, homework or lunch. Please ask your child to make other arrangements for items or equipment not related to HMS.

Grading and Homework Policy

Per district policy, the following grading scale is used:

90-100 - A
80-89 - B
70-79 - C
0-69 - Failing

The Humble Independent School District affirms its stand on academic emphasis in the grading procedures. The actual grade reflecting the student’s relative mastery of an assignment will be recorded and averaged to determine the six/nine week grades. The report card denotes progress. Below level and/or modifications in the academic program are noted on the card. 

Late Work Policy

Late Work - (work not turned in by due date / period) - Any assignment not submitted upon the teacher's request will be considered late work.
Make up Work -(work missed due to student's excused absence) All make up work will receive one day of make-up time for each day of absence. A maximum of five days will be allowed. A zero will be given for work that has been required by the teacher and has not been turned in by the due date/ period.

Make up Policy
Students are expected to make up work missed while they were absent. They will be given full credit for work done that satisfies the conditions of the district policy for make-up work.  Immediately upon returning to school, the student must contact teachers concerning arrangements for making up work.  A zero will be given for work that has been required by the teacher and has not met guidelines for make-up work.  After the student has been absent for three days, the parent/guardian may request make-up work through the Counselor's Office. 

When an absence occurs, it is the student’s responsibility to inquire about, complete, and return assignments.  Students should expect to do more paperwork than those who were in attendance because it is necessary to make up for classroom experiences missed.  The following is offered as a timeline for make-up work.

  • 1 day absence     day following return to school

  • 2 day absence     2 days after return to school

  • 3 day absence     3 days after return to school

  • 4 day absence     4 days after return to school

  • 5 day absence     5 days after return to school

Students absent more than five (5) days must make arrangements with their teachers for making up the work missed within one week (5 school days) after their return to school.  Late work guidelines also apply to make-up work.

When in-school suspension or discipline program assignments have been given a predetermined date, no extra days are given for make-up work.  If students are absent on a predetermined due date, the material is due the day the student returns to school.

Lost & Found

lost and found

The Lost and Found at HMS is located in the front office. Keys, Glasses, and Jewelry are kept until the end of the school year.  Clothing items are removed from the lost and found at the end of every 9 weeks and donated to a local charity.  Students are reminded often to check the lost and found for missing items. Please remember that items clearly labeled with your child’s name stand a greater chance of being returned.



What is Schoology? 

Schoology (pronounced skoo-luh-jee) is a secure, online learning management solution that follows students’ outcomes as well as enhances student engagement. With Schoology, students can engage in a variety of activities at school and from home, such as submitting homework assignments, participating in interactive discussions, and receiving announcements and feedback from their teachers.

Parent Information

Students & Staff

Students and Staff may access their Schoology accounts using their network login

Tutoring Information

After School Tutoring from 4:05-5:00 p.m.

  • Monday-RELA

  • Tuesday-Science

  • Wednesday-Math

  • Thursday-Social Studies 

Lunch Tutoring

  • Monday- Social Studies

  • Tuesday- RELA

  • Wednesday-Science

  • Thursday-Math