Early Childhood Intervention (ECI)

Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) - Child Find

Early Childhood Intervention is a program for children from birth to two years of age who are behind others their age in sitting, walking, talking, or getting along with other children. If you are unsure of which school would serve your neighborhood or location, or if you are making a referral during the summer, please call Special Education at 281-641-8410. All referrals are confidential and the parent, legal guardian, or surrogate parent has the right to refuse services.

Skills such as taking a first step, smiling for the first time, and waving "bye bye" are called developmental milestones. Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, act, and move (crawling, walking, etc.). View CDC Milestones By Age

What is Child Find (Early Childhood Intervention-ECI)?
Child Find is a process designed to identify, locate and evaluate individuals birth to 21 years of age with disabilities who may need special education services.

Who can begin the Child Find Process?
Anyone can start the process: a parent, doctor, teacher, relative, or friend can call Humble ISD, Early Childhood Department at 281-641-7409.

  • Child Find Brochure

  • Child Find Brochure en Español

    Why should we refer?
    Early identification and intervention can prevent failure and frustration. Special attention to teaching and learning strategies may help individuals overcome barriers to learning.

What happens after the child is referred?

  • The parent(s) or legal guardian will be contacted by Humble ISD.

  • Parents and the school will decide if an assessment is needed.

  • An assessment plan designed to evaluate areas of concern may be developed.

  • Qualified school district personnel will conduct an evaluation.

  • The parents and evaluation personnel will have a meeting to talk about assessment results, special education eligibility and services.

Who may qualify for special education services?
Individuals who are identified as having any of the following disabilities according to federal and state criteria: • Learning Disability • Speech Impairment • Orthopedic Impairment • Other Health Impairment • Intellectual Disability • Emotional Disturbance • Autism • Multiple Disabilities • Traumatic Brain Injury • Visual Impairment • Auditory Impairment • Deaf-Blindness • Developmental Delay

Students attending private schools within Humble ISD boundaries are included in Child Find.

How much do services cost?
All services are provided at no cost to the individual, parents, or guardian.
Information provided by: Region IV Educational Service Center 7145 West Tidwell Houston, TX 77092

Who do I contact if I am concerned about my child's development?

Birth to Preschool
Humble ISD is responsible for identifying, locating, and evaluating children with disabilities who are in need of special education and related services and who reside within the school district's boundaries. The district is also responsible for those students who do not reside within the boundaries, but whose grandparent resides in the district and provides a substantial amount of after-school care. This is to be determined by the district's Board of Trustees. Children who have a disability or who are suspected of having a disability, may be referred to Humble ISD.

For children who are school-age (ages 3 through 21), please contact the elementary, middle, or high school that serves your particular neighborhood or location.

For children who are below school-age (birth through 2), please contact the Special Education Department at 281-641-8326, or your ECI Agency at 281-696-2130 (all areas excluding zip code 77044) and 281-838-4477 (all areas with zip code 77044).

Developmental Milestones & Speech Concerns

Developmental Milestone Tracker App

  • If you have concerns about your child's speech and language skills or development, please contact your campus Speech Pathologist or Diagnostician for a special education referral.
    If your child receives speech services at a Humble ISD elementary campus or in another neighboring district, it does not automatically qualify them to attend Pre-Kindergarten in Humble ISD. 

  • Parents must email the Humble ISD Early Childhood Department for Pre-Kindergarten enrollment to determine if your child is eligible to attend a Pre-K program on an elementary campus for the 2024-2025 school year. Please make sure to select the appropriate box when filling out the application.
    Walk-In Speech Services

Develpomental Milestones English

Develpomental Milestones Spanish

The Harris Center's ECI-RISE provides evidence-based therapeutic interventions and access to Certified Family Partners, who have lived experience in parenting a child with developmental delays.

The Inspire program aids families in accessing needed services directly related to their child's developmental delay to increase skills acquisition and independence.

Services are provided in the family home, day care, and/or other community-based setting.

Harris Center ECI Eng

Harris Center ECI Span

Harris Center Inspire Eng

Harris Center Inspire Span