Sept 11

Kingwood High School honored the memory of the September 11, 2001 Attack on America with a message read over the PA system, followed by a moment of silence.  This was done prior to the daily announcements and pledges.  The following is the message that was read over the PA.

Good morning.  Today we mark the 22nd anniversary of the Sept 11 attacks on the United States.  We realize that for our students, that’s a long ago moment in history, but we need to know and to remember.

 That morning, as we moved from 1st to 2nd period the word began to spread that a plane had hit one of the twin towers in New York City.  We tuned in to the story on our computers and TV’s in time to see the 2nd plane hit.  The rest of the day was mostly silent as we moved from class to class.  We gathered in rooms that had a TV.  By 3rd period, we learned of the plane hitting the Pentagon and then the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania.  The cafeteria at lunch that day was quiet, only whispered conversations.

 You should know this story, because as life moves on and younger generations take over, we need to remember to always be fair to everyone, but remain vigilant of those willing to do us harm. 

And always remember and respect our first responders…the police, EMS, and firefighters… for when we are escaping from the burning building or stumbling away from the accident scene…they are the ones that pass us by as they run toward the danger. 

We will have our moment of silence this morning before the pledges, please keep in your hearts those that we lost that day, in the military in the years that followed, and their families that struggle on.