Nationals Team: Tamir Shaw (President), Kenzie Kouba (VP of Marketing) Broderick Rosello (VP of Leadership), James Knigin (Secretary), Stanley Cheatham and Peyton Hutchinson & Advisor: Laura Abel Senior Leadership Shoutouts: Matthew Freel (VP of Leadership) and Janak Krishnan (President) who helped this team get to ICDC

"It's truly surreal to reflect on how this journey began for KHS as a new DECA program back in August, and now here we are, on the plane bound for ICDC, DECA's International Conference.

Our Diamond DECA program at KHS, along with six students, has earned qualification for the leadership program. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to Kingwood High School and the entire KHS community for their steadfast support of DECA throughout this year.

A special thanks goes to Laura Abel, who took a small group of student leaders and instilled in them the courage to dream big. As we embark on this exhilarating adventure, we are dedicated to returning with a vision aimed at propelling DECA to even greater heights of success." - Tamir Shaw