Advanced Academics
KHS Advanced Academics
Kingwood High School’s Advanced Academics department is dedicated to providing students with rigorous, relevant, and engaging coursework that prepares them and equips them to achieve their college and career goals.
Advanced Academics Course Offering Comparison
This chart breaks down the major differences between AP, Dual Credit, and OnRamps.
Contact Us
Sarah McKinney
Assistant Principal, Advanced Academics
Email Sarah McKinney
Piper Kinney
College Learning Center, Dual Credit Liaison
Email Piper Kinney
Contact your counselor for questions about scheduling, graduation requirements, and GPA information.
Advanced Placement (AP)
Advanced Placement and Pre-AP classes are an excellent way to prepare students for post-high school education. In AP and Pre-AP classes, students are given opportunities to learn how to communicate, work in teams, problem-solve and think creatviely, and establish themselves as lifelong learners.
All students are invited to challenege themselves by trying AP and/or Pre-AP whether their plan is to attend a 4-year university, community college, join the military, or persue a trade. Any student may take AP and/or Pre-AP courses of their choosing as long as they meet the prerequisite criteria for those courses.
We encourage students to try a class that interests them or is applicable to their future college and career goals. Grit, work ethic, and dedication are all factors that lead to student success in advanced courses.
Level of Rigor
AP classes prepare students for college-level work while still providing students with high school-level supports. AP techers present collegiate material to their students but still must follow all district and campus regulations and policies regarding grading, discipline, and parental contact.
These classes are fast-paced and allow students to interact with content with more depth and complexity than on-level classes. Additionally, students who participate in AP classes are more likely to be successful in college. Studies have shown that AP students are three times more likely to finish college and gain their bachelor's degree on time than students who did not participate in AP classes. This is because AP classes no only prepare students for the rigor of college, but also because they teach students to manage their time and develop effective study habits.
AP Exams
AP Exams for College Credit
Students who enroll in AP classes should always take their accompanying exam. Most universities and college will award collegel credit for a high exam score, and others consider it as part of their admission criteria. High scores on AP exams can save students thousands of dollars in college tuition.
Texas House Bill 1992 requires all public Texas universities and colleges to award college credit for AP scores of a 3 or higher. Individual institutions can choose whether to grant replacement credit or count the score towards an elective credit. Please check with the colleges you plan to apply to or check the AP Credit Policy Search website to see how your AP scores will transfer.
Students do not need to submit all of their AP scores, submit them all at once, or submit them by a specific date to receive college credit.
AP Exams for Admissions
Completion of AP courses by earning a passing grade in the class on your transcript and participating on the AP exam (regardless of score) is desirable for most selective colleges and universities. AP course and exam participation and performance will contribute heavily in being accepted into entire universities or a students' chosen major, and it may also lead to scholarship opportunties for students.
College Board AP Equity & Access Statement
"The College Board strongly encourages educators to make equitable access a guiding principle for their AP programs by giving all willing and academically prepared students the opportunity to participate in AP. We encourage educators to:
Eliminate barriers that restrict access to AP for students from ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic groups that have been traditionally underserved.
Make every effort to ensure their AP classes reflect the diversity of their student population.
Provide all students with access to academically challenging coursework before they enroll in AP classes.
Only through a commitment to equitable preparation and access can true equity and excellence be achieved." - College Board Policy
Advanced Placement College & Career Guide
AP Capstone
The AP Capstone program is available to juniors and seniors at KHS. This two-year program gives students unique opportunities in research, writing, and presenting that will prepare them for college outside the normal AP class experience. Students in AP Capstone develop critical thinking, research, collaboration, time management, and presentation skills.
The AP Capstone program consists of two different courses: AP Seminar and AP Research.
AP Seminar: This year-long course provides students with opportunities to investigate real-world issues from multiple perspectives. Students will learn to synthesize information from different sources, develop claims in research-based essays, and design and deliver presentations, both individually and in teams.
AP Research: During the second year of the program, students deeply explore an academic topic, problem, or issue of personal interest and choice. Through this course, students will design, plan, and execute a year-long research-based investigation to address a research question.
A Note for GT Students: Any student may enroll and participate in the AP Capstone program, but we especially encourage all students designated as Gifted & Talented by Humble ISD to participate. Enrollment in these courses will prepare students with GT learning styles for college studies and future careers.
The colleges and universities linked here support and endorse the AP Capstone program.
Contact Us
Email Katie Tansley - AP Seminar Teacher (2023-2024 School Year)
Email Dr. Ashley Gibson - AP Research Teacher
Email Sarah McKinney - Assistant Principal, Advanced Academics
Dual Credit
Humble ISD Dual Credit Information -
The Humble ISD Advanced Academics department also has valuable information available regarding the LSC Dual Credit program.
KHS Dual Credit Information - Counselor's Page -
Please reference this page for all of the information you will need regarding Dual Credit at KHS.
UT OnRamps
We are very excited about the opportunity for KHS students to participate in college-level work provided by a UT professor, while simultaneously receiving enhanced instruction and support provided by a KHS teacher.
UT OnRamps courses are "dual enrollment" courses offered in conjunction with the University of Texas. Dual enrollment courses provide an opportunity for high school students to simultaneously earn both high school and college credit. Students taking the OnRamps course will finish the school year with both a high school AND at least 3 hours of college credit.
UT OnRamps Courses Offer at KHS for the 2022-2023 School Year: Click on the links below to access more information about each individual OnRamps course we offer.
OnRamps PreCalculus: TCCNS Equivalency - MATH 2312 (3 hours)
OnRamps College Algebra: TCCNS Equivalency - MATH 1314 (3 hours)
OnRamps Statistics: TCCNS Equivalency - MATH 1342 (3 hours)
OnRamps Physics 1: TCCNS Equivalency - PHYS 1301 (3 hours) + PHYS 1101 (1 hour)
OnRamps Computer Science: TCCNS Equivalency - EDIT 2318 (3 hours)
Additional Information from UT: Ut OnRamps Information
As with all "dual" courses, students are required to cover college fees. UT OnRamps course fee is projected to be $149.00. Students do not have to pay UT tuition or purchase textbooks. It is the student's responsibility to verify with the colleges and universities they plan to apply to regarding whether or not the school will accept the credit for this course.
There are no college entrance requirements for students to take OnRamps courses. Students will work with their KHS teacher in August to set up their UT account to access course materials. Course fees will be due early in the fall semester.
Note about College Hours: Students in OnRamps courses have the option to choose whether or not they accept the college grade and corresponding credit after final exams. This is different than Dual Credit courses where students have to accept the grade and credit.
If you have any questions about the UT OnRamps program, please feel free to contact your counselor or Mrs. McKinney.
KHS Video: OnRamps Information
Click on the link to view a video by our OnRamps PreCalculus teacher, Mrs. Morris.
SAT/ACT Information
What are the SAT and ACT?
The SAT and ACT are standardized tests used to assess a student's academic readiness for college. Scores on these tests are one of many facotrs colleges used in admissions decisions.
Comparison provided by The Princeton Review.
Information from College Board.
Guide from ACT.
KHS Advanced Academics Courses & Progression Maps
English Course Progression
Advanced English 1
Ryan Calhoun
Advanced English 2
Kathleen Tansley
AP Language & Composition Teachers
Alyssa Alamia
Link to College Board's AP Language & Composition course page.
AP Literature & Composition Teachers
Jenny Ryan
Link to College Board's AP Literature & Composition course page.
English 4 Dual Credit
Hayley Forys
English Instructional Coach
Lauren Kerbow
Math Course Progression
Advanced Algebra 1
Advanced Geometry
William Sterner
Advanced Algebra 2
Leslie Houston
AnnMarie Seagraves
Advanced Pre-Calculus AB
Rex Wolf
Advanced Pre-Calculus BC
Spencer Conley
OnRamps Pre-Calculus
Jamie Morris
Link to the UT OnRamps Pre-Calculus course page.
AP Calculus AB
Rex Wolf
Barbara Murray
Link to College Board's AP Calculus AB course page.
AP Calculus BC
Barbara Murray
Link to College Board's AP Calculus BC course page.
OnRamps Statistics
Richard Rodriguez
Link to the UT OnRamps Statistics course page.
OnRamps College Algebra
Link to the UT OnRamps College Algebra course page.
Math ALT
Science Course Progression
Advanced Biology
Laura Bridges
Advanced Chemistry
Summer Bland
Cindy Welch
Advanced Physics
Susan Butler
OnRamps Physics 1
Justin Loflin
Link to the UT OnRamp's Physics 1 course page.
AP Biology
Justin Cordill
Link to College Board's AP Biology course page.
Mr. Cordill also teaches Dual Credit Biology.
AP Chemistry
Cindy Welch
Link to College Board's AP Chemistry course page.
AP Physics C
Justin Loflin
Link to College Board's AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism course page.
Link to College Board's AP Physics C: Mechanics course page.
AP Environmental Science
Fred McGrew
Link to College Board's AP Environmental Science course page.
Mr. McGrew also teaches Dual Credit Environmental Science.
OnRamps Geoscience
Link to the UT OnRamp's Geoscience course page.
Dual Credit & Honors Anatomy and Physiology
Justin Cordill
Science Instructional Coach
Social Studies Course Progression
AP Human Geography
Jessica Dorris
Joan McClung
Link to College Board's AP Human Geography course page.
AP World History: Modern
Cheryl Carswell
Jennifer Stanley
Link to College Board's AP World History: Modern course page.
AP U.S. History
Laura Hansen
Link to College Board's AP U.S. History course page.
Dual Credit U.S. History
AP U.S. Government & Politics
Randall Haney
Link to College Board's AP U.S. Government & Politics course page.
AP Economics (Macroeconomics)
Randall Haney
Link to College Board's AP Macroeconomics course page.
UT OnRamps Economics
Randall Haney
Link to the UT OnRamps Economics course page.
AP Psychology
Patti Sano
Link to College Board's AP Psychology course page.
AP European History
Jennifer Stanley
Link to College Board's AP European History course page.
Social Studies Instructional Coach
Michelle Moore
LOTE Course Options & Progression
Advanced Spanish 2
Angie Castañeda
Advanced Spanish 3
AP Spanish Language & Culture
Link to College Board's AP Spanish Language & Culture course page.
AP Spanish Literature & Culture
Angie Castañeda
Link to College Board's AP Spanish Literature & Culture course page.
Advanced French
All German Courses (Advanced German 2, Advanced German 3, and AP German Language & Culture)
David Kniess
Link to College Board's AP German Language & Culture course page.
Electives: Fine Arts & Computer Science Options
AP 2-D Art & Design, AP 3-D Art & Design, and AP Drawing
Melissa Frye
Link to College Board's AP 2-D Art & Design course page.
Link to College Board's AP 3-D Art & Design course page.
Link to College Board's AP Drawing course page.
AP Music Theory
Link to College Board's AP Music Theory course page.
AP Computer Science A
Link to College Board's AP Computer Science A course page.
AP Computer Science Principles
Brad Quindt
Link to College Board's AP Computer Science Principles course page.
OnRamps Quantum Computing
Link to the UT OnRamps Quantum Computing course page.
OnRamps Computer Science
Brad Quindt
Link to the UT OnRamps Computer Science course page.
AP Capstone Seminar
Link to College Board's AP Seminar course page.
AP Capstone Research
Link to College Board's AP Research course page.