Contact Us

Jolene Gaul

Attendance Specialist

Amanda Garnsay

Attendance Specialist

High School Absence Information

Humble ISD believes that attendance is a crucial factor in student achievement. Thus, any absence from school represents an educational loss to the student.  All students must adhere to compulsory attendance laws and are required to attend classes or engage in online learning at least 90% of the days a class is offered.  Failure to meet these requirements may result in truancy procedures and/or loss of course credit. 

  • Following an absence, a parent/guardian must contact the attendance office within 48 hours of the student's return to school. Absences can be reported by:

    • Online Absence Excuse Form (preferred method)

    • Parent Email to Attendance Office

    • Parent Note Returned with Student

    • Parent Phone Call to Attendance Office

    • Fax Parent Note to Attendance Office

  • Information to include:

    • Student's first and last name, ID#, grade

    • Date(s) of absence

    • Detailed reason for absence

    • Parent name, phone number, email address

  • Five days of absences may be excused by parent notifications (online absence form, email, note, phone call, and/or fax) per semester. Beyond that, medical or other official documentation may be required in order for an absence to be excused.

  • Doctor’s Visit: If a student is present any part of a school day in which a doctor’s visit occurred, the student will not be marked absent if the medical documentation is submitted to the attendance office upon the student’s return.

  • Always turn in ALL doctor, court, college notes as this does affect the coding of the absence.

KHS is a closed campus. Students are not allowed to leave campus for any reason during the school day without written permission via note or email from a parent or guardian. Anytime a student leaves campus, he/she must check out through the attendance office. Anytime a student returns to campus during the school day, he/she must check in through the attendance office.

Please be prepared to present a picture ID upon every visit to campus.
