General Information

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2024-2025 Kingwood FFA Band

Contact Us


Ag Office: 281-641-6968 or 281-641-7014

Mr. Carnahan: 281-641-7062

Mrs. Seely: 281-641-7060

Ms. Tarkington: 281-641-6987

FFA Information/Resources

Raising an animal?

This page is designed to help FFA members become better familiar with selecting, raising and caring for thier animal. The term associated is a Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) project. Parents can use this information as well to answer questions you may have about showing livestock.

Showmanship clinics are given periodically at our ag facility to help students show their animals as well as look for opportunities to become better at showing and honing in the skills needed to be successful in the show ring.  By continuously practicing with your animal in the show ring as well as a daily basis, the FFA member or "exhibitor" will be able to identify the areas of improvement needed to become a champion showman. 

Below are several YouTube videos about showing each individual species of animal including additional information we have found to help guide the exhibtor.  This is not a replacement for hands on experience.  You can learn a lot from watching, but the most effective way to learn how to show any animal is through hands on experience, and repeated practice. 

Grads Earn American Farmer Degree

FFA Group Photo

Kaylee, Caroline, Ms. Hirsch, Megan, and Tori Karley is not pictured. Kingwood FFA Alums with their American FFA Degree Certificates

The gold standard. As the highest degree achievable in the National FFA Organization, the American FFA Degree  shows an FFA member’s dedication to his or her chapter and state FFA association. It demonstrates the effort FFA members apply toward their supervised agricultural experience and the outstanding leadership abilities and community involvement they exhibited through their FFA career. American FFA Degree recipients show promise for the future and have gone above and beyond to achieve excellence.

The requirements to earn the American FFA Degree are set forth in the National FFA Constitution. To be eligible to receive the American FFA Degree, members must meet qualifications such as receiving a State FFA Degree, holding active membership for the past three years, completing secondary instruction in an agricultural education program and operating an outstanding supervised agricultural experience program. Community service, leadership abilities and outstanding scholastic achievement are also required. View all requirements.

All applications are submitted to the National FFA Organization after approval of a member’s state association. After review by national staff, the National FFA Board of Directors approve qualified candidates to receive the American FFA Degree at the National FFA Convention & Expo.