Notes from the Registrar
Registrar out of Office- June 5th- July 20th (emails will be answered upon my return)
New student registration for 2024-2025 school year is now open. Please visit the enrollment application and complete the required online forms.
Enrollments will be processed after July 31st and after all required documents are uploaded. Failure to upload documents will delay the enrollment process. You will receive an email once processed and completed.
New students must have a recent withdrawal form or current report card from their previous school before they can be enrolled. This can be submitted online during the enrollment process under the "school records" document upload link, or sent to the registrar via email.
Enter your address to ensure you are zoned to attend KMS: District Attendance Zones. The schools zoned to your address will be listed. If none are shown, you do not reside in the Humble ISD attendance zones.
Annual Update for the 24-25 school year opens July 15th. This is required for all returning students already enrolled in Humble ISD. Proof of residency must be uploaded.
ALL registered students must be in attendance on the first day of school or they will be withdrawn.
Deidre Espinoza

Public And Private School Student Record Requests
Humble ISD offers a secure website for current students, former students, corporations, post-secondary institutions, and military recruiters to request student records online: