
By Maya Ortiz,

On the first day of school, Eric Coovert lifted his fist to show his history classes the size of the tumor that was found in his colon in June. Within two weeks of the discovery, doctors removed Coovert’s entire colon. He joked with the kids about his wife bedazzling his ostomy bag he affectionately named Poseidon. 

To his returning students, the 32-year-old came across positive and straightforward as he told them about his cancer. He handled it all with the glass half-full mindset the students had grown to love the previous year.

After weeks of hearing rumors and seeing a GoFundMe page online, students walked out of class that first day hesitantly confident Coovert had everything under control.

But Coovert felt totally out of control. 

When the classroom was finally empty, he went to his desk and cried... Read the rest of the story at