Cory Case

By Luke Cavallo,

Sophomore Cory Case spent much of his early childhood on the golf course, watching his father play. It did not take long for him to pick up the clubs himself. Case started playing at the age of 4,and  joined his first club golf team at the age of 9. Golf has been a major part of his life ever since.

Case’s commitment to the sport has seen him participate in national tournaments from California to Missouri as a part of the American Junior Golf Association. These large tournaments attract college recruiters and allow athletes to showcase their skills for ratings. Case has the goal of playing golf at a D1 school, and participating in such competitions are a necessary step in proving merit as a golfer.

“I want to go to a D1 college, I think that would be a lot of fun,” Case said. “I've been looking around and yeah, that's my biggest goal so far and it goes from there. I would love to play professionally if I had the opportunity.”

Read more on the impact he his having on the Kingwood Park golf team...