girls soccer

By Ella Hickman,

Junior Bailey Fovargue could only see the shadow of senior Brynn Baldon on the other side of the field because of the glaring sun setting at Hudson High School in Lufkin. However, Fovargue could hear Baldon shouting for the ball. 

Fovargue sent the ball sailing, and Baldon had only one thought in her mind as she volleyed the perfect pass toward the goal.

“Don’t miss,” Baldon told herself.

The ball went in, helping lift the girls soccer team to a 3-0 first-round playoff victory over Whitehouse on Tuesday night. Baldon, junior Flavia Salima Marcano and freshman Journie Feliciano each scored, giving the team its first three-goal playoff performance since the 2020-2021 season. Read the entire story: