
By Krisslyn Boyles, KPTimes.com

Each time senior Eva Abshire took a break from sports, she had to find a new perspective on her life.

Over the years, Abshire sustained four broken fingers, broke her foot twice, had reconstructive elbow surgery, had knee surgery, a concussion and stress fractures in both shins from doing gymnastics and track.

“I learned that your value isn’t in your sports because I placed a lot of my worth in my athletic ability and things like that. And when it’s literally stripped away from you… you learn a lot more about yourself because you’re not so involved in your sport,” Abshire said.

Abshire is now a Regional qualifier in the 300 hurdles, 100 hurdles and the 4x400. Read more of her journey at KPTimes.com. https://kptimes.com/15262/sports/abshires-perseverance-pays-off/