
The SCHS Choir Received 7 Sweepstakes at UIL!

All 7 of our choirs performed at the annual UIL Concert & Sightreading Contest and All 7 choirs earned SWEEPSTAKES!! In fact, every choir earned 1st division (Superior) ratings from every judge-3 judges in Concert and 3 different judges in the Sightreading room where students sing a piece of music they've never seen before with only a 6 minute study period that doesn't allow singing. All they get is the tonic chord and their first pitch, and then they sing it perfectly, in parts.

We are so proud of all of our students! Keep in mind, every single student participated in this process and was a contributor to their choir's success - from students who have never been in Choir before to students who have been in Choir for 7 + years. Every level of Choir sang their songs well with musicality, great tone and technique, and they sightread virtually perfectly and with musicality.

Congratulations to our choir students on their amazing accomplishment! They work hard every day in class, and some, outside of class. Their talent, tenacity and positive attitude brought them their success. Each student supports one another within their choir and they support the other choirs. We are proud to have such amazing students here at Summer Creek!

Here's a YouTube playlist of the concert portion of the contest for your enjoyment!

Amanda Robison & Peyton Moseley


